Of course, because I overthink most things, it led me to think to myself that there are probably a lot of people who are ashamed or even afraid to start exercising because they are intimidated by their friends who post on social media how fast or far they run or how much they can lift, etc...
I'm here to tell you that you can't let that stop you! I don't have a problem with people posting their successes on social media, but please don't let that stop you. Don't let the fear of being slow or not going as far, stop you from getting up and doing something. I refuse to let it stop me or waste another moment thinking I'm not good enough from here on out. And I promise to remind myself that no matter how slow I go or how short my distance, at least I'm doing something for me and my health.
I think this fear of judgment is really shared by all. I know lots of my friends who are embarrassed by how slow they go. Or that they don't have the "right" clothes or that they don't have all the gadgets. I've been there for sure. But guess what? Even if you run in a ratty tshirt or go for a walk in your pjs- it's still something! And even bigger guess what- if you don't share on social media, no one will even know. Ha!
You can take heart in that lots of people who are posting their times or level of workout are fudging the truth a little bit. For the same reason you are afraid to get started. Too worried about what others are thinking and facing judgment. Yes, the world would be a better place if we stopped judging others. But I'm here to tell you, that day isn't around the corner. You can't let that fear keep you on the couch. For every person who runs faster or lifts more there are millions of others who would be glad to be able to run or walk as fast as you.
Keep moving-