Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Cost of College

So...  Sophie and I were visiting yesterday after school and I was telling her that I think she should look into a career as a lawyer.  She's smart as a whip and I've never met a child more skilled at trying to get her way or getting people to think her idea was their idea.  I won't call it outright arguing (which she does her fair share of) but the girl can wrangle a conversation better than a steer wrestler in Texas.  (My very own clever analogy - use it at your own risk.)

So she's kind of going along with the idea and then I tell her how much lawyers can make.  Because, I have a little experience in that area these days *cough*, and she was like "wow!" and lawyer sounded like a better and better idea to her.  She tells me she's going to be a lawyer and not share any of her money with me for all the times I didn't buy her what she wanted, with a smirk on her face so I realize she is just trying to get me going.  So I smile sweetly and tell her, "oh of course I wouldn't want any of your hard earned money, honey."

Then she asks how you become a lawyer.  And I explain about college and law school, bar exams, etc...  And she says, "do teachers just pick who they think should go to law school/college then?"  And I respond that anyone can go to college, you just have to pay for it.  She gets a horrified look on her face and says, "well, you'll help me pay for it, right?"  And with a smirk I say, "Of course, and you can pay me back when you make the big bucks being a famous lawyer."  Ahhh... parenting.

Today's quote of the day, for no reason other than I like it.  It has absolutely nothing to do with this blog, but everything to do with my life and how I choose to live it.

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