Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Sick of seeing it...

Do you ever have it happen where one of those quote images goes "viral" on your newsfeed?  Sometimes I think it is cute or makes people feel good and everyone wants to share it.  Sometimes it is just too funny not to share, even if you can't really relate.  And sometimes, well sometimes we are trying to get a message across with the images we choose to click "share" on.

But what message are people trying to send with this one?

I'm a benefit of the doubt kind of girl.  So I'm going to guess they are talking about apologizing for something you've done wrong.  Maybe it is just my personal past and experiences that cause this quote to raise the hairs on the back of my neck.

When I read that first line I think the opposite of brave.  The word "doormat" comes to my mind.  Maybe it is because I have spent too much of my past apologizing for things I haven't done to keep the peace.  I refuse to apologize for things I haven't done. I refuse to apologize for things I haven't said.  I refuse to apologize because you want to play the victim and try to twist my words into making you one.  I refuse to apologize for having an adult, rational conversation where I state my feelings and interpretations of your behavior.  I refuse to apologize for standing up for what I believe in, my family, or myself.

The second line makes me cringe.  Forgiveness is earned.  It has to be or doormat comes into play again.  If you keep forgiving someone for making the same mistake over and over, where does that put you? Sorry doesn't mean anything when the behavior doesn't change.  It's pretty simple, sometimes "sorry" doesn't cut it.  Have you read the story of the boy and the nails in a fence?  If you haven't, you should:

The third line... well, forgetting is good.  Not letting others controlling your future happiness is awesome.  But... don't forget it all.  Make sure you don't make the same mistakes twice.  That is key.

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