So I work out at a place in town. You get a key fob to gain entrance to the building. Me being OCD (and because I have forgotten it in the past), I have a system for my fob. I put it on a gold carabiner and snap it into my water bottle when I leave to work out and then hang it back on the key rack by the door when I get home. Every. Single. Time.
Imagine my surprise when I go to walk out the door at 4:30 am and no key fob. I started looking everywhere; coat pockets, floor, other water bottles, car, you name it. But I knew it had to have been hanging on the hook. With time wasting I just went to work out and lucked out that someone was going in when I got there to hold the door for me.
When I got home I questioned the family. I described the key fob and the carabiner “it’s a GOLD carabiner.” Nobody had a clue. I went all day trying to figure out how in the hell it had gone missing. The only thing I could come up with was that it had somehow gotten knocked behind the stove. Notice the empty hook on that end? Darn it.
That evening when we all got home I had Libby help me pull the stove out. That wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Did you know there is nowhere to grab on to those darn things? We had Sophie look behind the stove and guess what?! Nothing. How disappointing. So I gave up and made the embarrassing call to the fitness center to request a new key fob. Ugh.
I got the mail, sorted through the junk, did a few more things around the house and went to bed. Tim came home a few minutes later and also went through the mail (honestly that’s important - bare with me) and then came to bed. The next morning I got up, showered and headed out to the kitchen for some juice. Look what I saw on the mail.
I’m not gonna lie. All sorts of crazy thoughts went through my head. Remember I read a lot of books and do have a healthy belief in angels, ghosts and in the unbelievable. I may have gone in the bedroom and told Tim we needed to move. Immediately.
I go out to the kitchen and my oldest comes crawling up the stairs. I ask her again about it, telling her how shocked I am to see it show up. She says she has no idea. So I go into a tirade saying how we have to move and I’m not staying another minute in our haunted house because, unless one of the kids is jacking with me, we very realistically have a poltergeist. Which is the point where I realize she’s laughing way too hard for a 17 year old that has just woken up. Between her gasping laughter she admits it was her. Originally she had accidentally taken it thinking it was an unimportant key chain for her house key, but had enjoyed watching me freak out. The little brat helped me move the stove, all the while knowing full well there was no key fob behind it!!
Don’t worry- payback is coming. I asked her how funny it would be when she couldn’t find her Snow Ball dance dress on Saturday. Tim feels it may be even funnier when I wear it to work on Friday. She may have said, “I dare you.” Hmmmm....
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