Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Operation Fit Into Show Clothes

Well, it's that time of year again.  It's that time when the entire fall/early winter (heck even a little of late summer) of eating out and ice cream and holiday dining have left me with pants too tight, shirts too small and a sugar craving that won't end.  So here we go.  Time to test the will power and stop rationalizing why I can have that one more piece of cheesecake or cookie (or glass of wine). The only way to do that...

Food diary.  Ugh. If you've never kept track of every bite of food that crosses your lips, you've never experienced that utter suckiness of realizing just how many minutes or miles on the treadmill that line of Oreos is gonna cost you.  Heck - one of my weaknesses is cheese.  Seems healthy enough, right?  It's good(ish) for you with all that dairy.   I was horrified to realize that one of those snack grab chunks of cheese from KT was costing me 220 calories, the same as a Hershey bar.  That's half an hour walking on the treadmill folks.  3-0 minutes.  Not worth it for that cheese I inhaled in less than 1 minute.  That line of Oreos you ask?  Each Oreo is approximately 70 calories so wait, how many Oreos are in a line?  It's not like I have ever counted them.  God bless Google - according to Google there are 15 cookies in a line.  So let's see, that's 15 x 70 so ... 5 x 7 carry the 3...... a lot of calories.  Oh wait - 1,050 calories.  My Fitness Pal has me on a 1300 calories a day goal.  That line of Oreos is a serious dent in the rest of the day.  Obviously, once I start tracking calories, veggies become my friend.

Years ago I started using an app called My Fitness Pal to track my calories in and out - also to track nutrition (I really suck at getting enough iron...). It's very handy and has really helped keep my eating in check.  When a person realizes just how many calories are in 1/2 cup of something (and just how small 1/2 a cup truly is), then you begin to understand how and why we gain weight.  I'll never forget the time I was counting the tator tots on my plate and put a couple back.  Libby was like, "are you seriously counting tator tots?"  You darn right I am child!  Each one of those buggers is 15 - 20 calories.  EACH.  HOLY CRAP PEOPLE!  But they are so good.  Then when you figure in the calories from the ranch that is required for dipping them in...  tator tots have become a cheat food.

You know what else I noticed while logging calories and trying to make better choices?  Good for you food is super expensive.  And super perishable.  It is definitely much more difficult to eat right.  Eating poorly is quick, cheap and convenient.  It's grab and go food and it's prepackaged meals.  Fresh (or even frozen) fruits and veggies get expensive.  And don't get me started on some of the healthier options for carbs and proteins.  Sigh.  But it's the right thing to do and the right choice to make so healthier eating here I come.

And then people say, but it's so good for you and it tastes great!  Okay, let's be honest here people.  It tastes fine.  I'll even grant you "good".  But let's hold back the rest of the superlatives for now okay?   ANYTHING that is low calorie and good for you, does not taste "great".  Of course my definition of great is a salted caramel concrete mixer from Culvers, or a Dairy Queen blizzard or a greasy pizza overloaded with cheese.  Those foods taste great.  Your rice bowl with no oil or dressing and topped with fruits and veggies is good.  I'll give you good.  Don't be expecting more than that. Fight me.

For now I'm adding a green smoothie as a breakfast option, even though my first attempt literally exploded on me in the kitchen.  Note to self - the bottom of the container on the Magic Bullet LOOSENS over time as it is blending.  Who knew? Well, I know now.  As does poor Tim who rushed to my aid to help me clean the counter, toaster, fridge, cabinets and floor off of green spinach/kale/strawberry smoothie.  Did I mention I had to completely change for work?  Yay me.  Learning experience that it was, I now "enjoy" (really it isn't that bad) a healthy green smoothie for breakfast each day and have added more raw and cooked veggies to my diet.  I do allow myself something sweet each day to appease my sweet tooth.  It might be a diet soda, but it is sweet.

You know what else this whole Operation Fit Into Show Clothes thing means?  Exercise.  Now I'm not one who hates exercise.  I love working with my horses.  (And if even one of you utters the "but the horses do all the work" comment, you're coming to ride with me.  I guarantee you that China and I are breathing equally heavy after working on her lope for 10 minutes.)   There are oodles of farm chores that require plenty of physical exertion, like hauling 5 gallon pails of water in the winter or hay bales from one barn to the other.  So outside exercise it totally fun.  However, I also love a good run or walk on the treadmill thanks to the power of Netflix.   What I don't love is the fact that I have to get up at 4:00 am to do it.  I have chores to do after work and then dash off to games most evenings, so mornings it is.  And with having morning chores to do and getting ready for work - 4:00 am is alarm time.  Yawn.  I'm already so tired and the brats are teasing me about nodding off at 8:30 or 9:00 pm.  Maybe I should wake them up for a few days at 4:00 and see when they get tired?  Here's another thing I've noticed as I get back into the swing of things, I'm old and stiff and sore a lot faster than I remember even just a couple of years ago.  But push through I will because I also know it gets better as you go and that no matter how slow I go, it is better than what I was doing even a month ago.

Here's to everyone setting healthy eating/exercising goals for 2020. It's an uphill battle but we are not alone.  I know that there are others trying to fit into those chaps, jeans and fitted show shirts out there and feeling a little more fluffy than they were last fall.  Here's hoping we can motivate each other to keep pushing on.

Operation Fit Into Show Clothes 2020 is a go!

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