Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Saying goodbye to 2019

It's remarkable how a person can heal and move past scary or just down right sucky events.  When looking back on 2019 my first comment was, "it was a pretty good year".  And then we sat as a family and tried to remember what all had happened in 2019 and we realized that we did face quite a few challenges in 2019.

2019 - The Year of the Vet Bills
In a way it seems like a million years ago, but in reality it was just a few short months ago that China went from being one of the cheapest horses I've ever owned to one of the most expensive.  She racked up quite an impressive collection of vet bills late last winter with her random refusing to eat.  And not to be outdone there was Pepper and her impaling herself on the invisible something or another in the round pen and Juju's broken leg/wound that wouldn't heal drama.  I'm very thankful to have all three of them still with us today; whole, healthy and sound.  But I do like to joke that there is a new wing going on our very favorite vet clinic titled the Andring Wing.

Poor China, every time I look at this pic I cringe at how thin she was (and she had put about 50 - 100 lbs back on by this pic) and the clipping marks from all the tests they ran on her at Aimes, IA.  Here's hoping she never decides to put us through that scare again. This was also the year I learned that the product red cell is excellent for "perking up" a horse's appetite, putting a shine on a horse and helping them get their energy back.  However, it also makes them crazier than a loon.  Write that down, it's good to remember.  

2019: The Year of the Vehicle Curse
We really haven't been able to catch much of a break with used vehicles this year.  First we borrowed a vehicle that left us stranded at a gas station and we needed to put a new alternator in.  We like to remind Tim's folks that we are "part owners" of their pick up.  Literally.  We own ONE part.  Then Big Blue needed tires and a power steering pump (that was a scary ride home that day).  Then Little Red decided it was her turn and we put in wheel bearings, fan motors, wheel hubs, tires, you name it.  Let's be honest, there are still a few things that could be fixed on Little Red, but at some point the checkbook has to stop hemorrhaging money for mechanics.  At least temporarily.

2019:  The Year of the Cutie Saga
This will always be the year of the epic sale of Cutie.  Considering I didn't really even want to sell her to begin with, but thought she was going to get a little girl all of her own, it couldn't have been more disastrous.  I've always said that horse people are either the nicest, kindest, most generous people on the planet or batshit crazy.  There really isn't a happy medium anywhere.  This lady definitely fell in the batshit crazy column.  The constant messages about how dangerous and crazy Cutie was (the pony I put Tim and Carter on mind you), the refusal to send her back - even for a full refund, followed by more messages about how I had misrepresented the pony, all while Cutie was half a continent away in Alabama....  I finally had to tell the gal not to message me ever again.  But the good news is that saga ended in the best way possible with Cutie ending up in the hands of a knowledgable trainer who marketed her honestly to an amazing NEW family.  Poor Cutie got shuffled around a bunch last year, but she's in a safe and loving home today and I'm so thankful.

2019: The Year Libby Learned NOT to Bid on Horses
It was a brief but quick lesson.  She brought home that big, beautiful Appaloosa mare that she bought for a steal at the sale barn.  That big mare could not be stalled as she paced THE ENTIRE TIME, literally running into the walls she was so frantic.  She was trained very well, however she was also SPAYED which makes using her as a broodmare pretty darn difficult and she had an undisclosed previously torn tendon.  Thank goodness the sale barn took her back after just a couple of days and we were only out the gas money to and from.  Life lesson learned!

2019: The Year of Snow and More Snow and More Snow and....
I hope we never have another winter like last year.  Between the bitter cold and polar vortexes and the feet and feet of snow, running a pony farm (and being a teacher) were real challenges.  I cannot believe the sheer amounts of snow that Mother Nature decided to grace us with last year.  She sure made her presence known. Ten snow days did allow our family to brush up on our Mario Cart skills though.  Hmmm.. it's that time of year again, maybe I should start practicing. 

In 2019 we said goodbye to friends, family, pets but we also said hello and made new friends or strengthened friendships.
*We added so many chickens that I can't count them all - our first time having chickens hatch out their own nests, successfully.  We attended our first Waverly Swap too and I can't say enough how much fun that was!

*We added not one, but two new donkeys.  And we couldn't have asked for sweeter donks to join our family.  Mini donkeys are so cool, they are more like big old dogs that donkeys.  But with enough sass and bounce to keep us all in stitches.

*We added two new faces to our pony herd and made a new friend in the process.  We are so thankful to have beautiful and sweet Fiona and her 2019 filly, Pepper as part of our herd.   It was fun having our very own baby again and we look forward to the baby that Fi will have in 2020 (and Cher's too).

*Speaking of Juju, it was just after the first of the year last year that Juju joined our family.  She is also one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet.  If you stop by the farm and a big Aussie barks her deep bark at you, don't be afraid - she is literally all bark.  In fact if you yell at her, there is a good chance she would pee herself.  But she is beautiful, loyal and kind and that's all that matters to me! 

*2019 was also the year that my youngest finally decided to show full time with me again.  It was so great having Sophie to practice with me and show with me.  It gave me so much pride to watch her turn her sassy little Mercy into a safe and willing show pony.  She's going to be perfect for some little boy or girl in a couple of years.  She even won her first ever belt buckle.  Onwards and upwards in 2020!

*Last year was both Sophie's and my first year back to Champ Show in a long time.  It may not have gone as we planned, but there is always next year and we have that first one under our belts now.  Here's hoping that maybe some of the jitters will be less?  Who are we kidding!

*We had our first family vacation in several years when we took the kiddos to the Wisconsin Dells for a few fun filled days of sunshine and water.  We made a lot of memories and had a blast.  

*Sophie played her first varsity games for volleyball and basketball.  So proud of her! 

There are so many wonderful things ahead of us.  I can't wait to see what 2020 brings our family.  While 2019 had its challenges, the important thing is that we arrived at 2020 together, happy and healthy and ready to face the new year as a family.  

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