Thursday, October 25, 2018

We all start somewhere...

At a show a couple of summers ago Libby was so embarrassed by me.  She was horrified because I went up to a younger teenage girl and adjusted her show halter for her.  She's like, "Mom!  You can't do that!"  I explained to her that I was super nice about it and offered to help her fit her halter better to her horse and she was grateful for the help.  And then I reminded her "we all started somewhere".  If no one had ever pointed out when I was doing dumb or inappropriate things, we would still be right where we started.  So I feel it is a pay it forward kind of a thing.

Remember Libby, we all start somewhere....

Yes.  Libby would be horrified if I showed you these pics.  She still looks back at these images and cringes.  Look at my hat!  Look at that pad!  Look at that ridiculous shirt!  But we all start somewhere.  If we could repeat that to ourselves at every competition we attend, think how many more contestants we could invite into our circle of friends.   Think of how much more fun shows would be. Think of how welcome we could help everyone feel.  There are a million moving parts to a horse show, it can't hurt to help each other through the process and it certainly can make things a thousand fold better.

From time to time I hear people making fun of someone's saddle, bridle or outfit that is "so last year".   Okay, maybe not last year - but out of date.  Remember, we all started somewhere.  Unless your family is independently wealthy and you jumped feet first into this hobby with the best horses,  the best outfits, the best tack and the best trainer, there is a pretty good chance you made a faux pas or two of your own from time to time.  Where would you be if you had heard people laughing at you or if you had been made to feel like you didn't belong? 

I know I will never make fun of anyone.  I mean really?  Look where I began...

Eek!  That poor mare was a saint for putting up with that piece of crap, cardboard saddle and the crappy rider that sits on top.  Check out that hat, pretty sure I bought the cheapest one I could find.   I had heavy cheap black chaps and a vest that I found somewhere and turned into a "show shirt".  But people were nice to me, helped me and shared ideas with me, showed me where I could find more appropriate tack and made me feel welcome. They gave me advice on everything from banding my horse's mane to horsemanship position to working on improving the way my horse moved. Because of them, we are still showing.  I never was made to feel embarrassed or less than important.  I was a sponge and absorbed every bit of info that I could.  Now as I consider myself to be slightly more knowledgeable (but by no means an expert)  I want to be that person for as many newcomers as I can too. 

Sitting around at shows or even hanging out in the warm up pen, I hear people judging, making fun of or questioning what others do all the time.  I think it's time that some of us remember where we came from.  Remember that most of us started somewhere that was far from perfect and probably pretty ugly.  Again, unless your family was independently wealthy and you were freakishly naturally talented, you have made plenty of your own mistakes and looked plenty silly along the way from time to time.  Instead of judging, give those folks a chance.  Remember where you came from.  Offer to help them out.  Tell them stories about what you learned along the way.  There are lots of ways to help out newcomers.  Welcome them in and you just may make a great friend who shares the same passion you do.  Horses!

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