Monday, November 5, 2018

The life cycle of bangs

If you're reading this and don't know what bangs are, this post probably isn't for you.  For any woman that has ever had bangs before or currently sporting a style with bangs, read on.  I feel like I can't possibly be alone in this struggle.  That said, if you're one of those people blessed to not have bangs or have the kind of face shape that doesn't require bangs, no judging!  Don't go saying, "well, if you don't like them, don't have them."  Some of us are blessed with foreheads large enough to rent billboard space for election ads or toothpaste.  Some of us have foreheads that require bangs to break up the shining wall of white that proclaims, "Look at me!  I'm a forehead!"  Some of us, well, let's just say you'd be glad I have bangs if you saw me without.

So, the life cycle of bangs.  Again, I feel like anyone who has had bangs can relate.  Let's begin with the day after you cut your bangs.   The day after getting bangs you look in the mirror and think, "Whoa, those bangs are a little short.  But that's okay, I know they will grow.  This just gives me a few more days before I'll need to have them cut again."

Two days later....  "Wow, these bangs are still pretty short.  Maybe if I blow dry them straighter they will seem longer.  Nope, still got some forehead above eyebrows showing.  That's awkward.  Oh well."

Three days later.... "Holy crap, will these things never grow!  I look like I let my husband cut them for Christ's sake."

The very next day.... "Oh yay!  My bangs are perfect!  I love having bangs.  They look so cute and stylish.  I've got this hairstyle thing down."

The very next day (possibly even later that same day).... "Seriously, these dang bangs are in my eyes.  They are like pricking my eyeballs.  How did they get so long so fast?  Wasn't it just yesterday they were too short?"

Two days later.... "Well, this is ridiculous.  How is anyone supposed to see through this curtain?"

Three days later.... "I cannot take these bangs anymore.  Maybe I"ll try curling them a little to give them a little lift.

"Well, Crap.  That did not work out the way I planned."

Two days later.... "Argh!  I cannot do anything with these bangs!  Maybe if I just trim them a little before I can get in for my next hair appointment."

The next day... "Wow.  Ummm...  I may have gotten them a little short. *Insert stylist's name here* is gonna kill me."

And thus the cycle begins again.

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