Friday, January 19, 2018

Another product review - Revital U Brew

I know, I know, I promise I'm not going to make a habit of these.  But when I get really excited about something, I like to share.  So bear with me because I like this product enough that I almost signed up to sell the stuff (and am still considering it). 

The product is called Revital U Brew.  It's a coffee.  Now those of my friends that know me, know that I hate all things coffee.  Hate.  Can't stand the taste of.  I served a lot of coffee over the years and I've always wanted to like the stuff.  I do love the smell and the appeal of a warm cup of coffee to start the day sounds amazing.  But I've tried everything; lattes, cappuccinos, frappes, or whatever they are all called.  All nasty.   And don't give me the "add creamer" line.  I've tried those too.  Finally I convinced myself that I don't need to make myself learn to love something that isn't especially good for you.  Well, something else that is - because I do have a pretty strong Dt MD habit.

Well, with the theme of the whole "new year/new you" kind of idea - I decided to break my Dt MD habit.  So instead of a Dew, I have a protein shake each morning after my workout.  The workouts have increased thanks to my weight loss challenge (yep - I signed up for one of those too, glutton for punishment).  Since the first of the year I have missed one day of working out.  Pretty proud of that.  So the protein shakes were a logical step instead of soda, and did you know that they come in vanilla ICE CREAM flavor.  Added to milk, that protein shake tastes SO bad for you, like literally having a milk shake for breakfast.  And it probably isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but considering I suck at eating enough meat, it has to be a better option than just a Dt MD for breakfast. 

Link to protein shake: Vanilla Ice Cream flavor!

Then my former sister-in-law added me to a new group she was starting.  It was a coffee group, I thought, so I almost left the group before I read more.  However, I love this kid so I was willing to look into it and keep an open mind.  Again, if you don't know me, I am THE largest skeptic in the world when it comes to weight loss crap. I've tried Plexus (holy expensive and worthless), I've researched Thrive enough to never touch the stuff and I've tried others too.  I almost did a blog on what a joke all these schemes are but I have friends that sell the stuff and I truly don't want to be that person.  But I don't believe in any of it.  Diet and exercise, calories in/calories out.  It's really super simple, well not simple to do, but a simple concept.  I have lost weight in the past, like LOTS of weight at one point in my life and I know how it works.  You eat less, you eat better foods for you and you exercise more.

But like I said, I love this kid so I was willing to take a sample.  Here's what it is supposed to do for you:

Of course the website and her Facebook page are littered with people who have had great results and lost so much weight.  Here's my skeptical thoughts on this and every product of it's type.  I believe that people who use these products probably do have very real results.  I also believe that those people are getting a bit of a placebo effect.  While adding these products, they also eat less and exercise more.  In general I mean, especially those with dramatic results.  But sometimes a person needs that placebo to kick start their butt, so I'm not discounting those products for that purpose at all. 

Also being a skeptic, I researched the hell out of the product.  I got my googling fingers and put them to work, digging as deep as I could.  Being a relatively new product, it wasn't easy.  I found a lot of positive reviews and one really good article that was super critical.  But not only did I read the reviews and the articles, I read the comments too.  Some of these people are way more sciency than I am, so I took those comments and researched the science.  Turns out those people were right.  I hate the line most products give you that it is "all natural".  There are a lot of things in nature that I wouldn't put in my body.  Marijuana is all natural.  Opiods are all natural.  Just because it is "all natural" doesn't mean, "good for you".  But the ingredients in Revital U Brew were coming back with a big thumbs up, one poster even claimed to have run it by her pharmacist and gotten the okay.

So I got my free sample.  It's coffee.  It's literally coffee, an instant coffee.  You make it exactly like coffee.  I hate coffee.  But my SIL said her husband added it to some hot cocoa so I thought, I'll add it to my protein shake.  Success.  It was delicious. I couldn't believe I liked it, but I did.  And I waited to be amazed.  Here's the scoop. 

It was pretty cool.  I did notice that despite not having my Dt MD, I had plenty of energy for the day (reason for that later).  But it wasn't the nervous, jittery kind of anxiety ridden energy that chugging a 20 oz Dew did for me.  It was this upbeat, I love you man, kind of energy.  And I wasn't super hungry, eat everything that isn't nailed down, snacking like a fiend.  I still got hungry, but I filled up faster and was satisfied faster.  That alone was very cool.  I still, being the skeptic I am, think that some of that might have been in my head.  However, if it works it works.

Then I weighed myself.  I'm not so good at weighing myself as THAT causes me anxiety.  I feel like it is defeating not to see the pounds coming off the harder we work.  But after nine days I stepped on the scale.  I was down 4 lbs.  At the 2 week mark, I had lost 6.5 lbs.  For my weight loss challenge I have to lose 10, I am well on my way and I couldn't be happier.  I will not be sharing my before and after pictures.  My SIL did that and the results were outstanding.  I am so proud of her.  I am also blown away by her bravery.  There isn't going to be anyone seeing me in my bra and underwear standing sideways without sucking in my belly any time soon. 

So here's my not so professional review, basically my personal opinion.  1.  It 100% gives you energy - it's got caffeine.  Quite a bit actually, almost the same amount as a 20 oz MD.  2.  It has improved my mood - despite some crap going on all around us lately.  I feel a little guilty about how ridiculously happy I've been actually.  3.  It obviously has helped me shed weight faster as I've only been working out for a little over 3 weeks and 6.5 lbs is a lot for a girl like me.  I don't give all the credit to the product though, I have put a lot of miles in on the treadmill (more so than before) and definitely eating less sweets.  But I have the energy to work out, sometimes even twice a day and I seem to be craving sweets less too.  I still want them, but it is easier to pass them up, if that makes sense. Believe me, I understand it is a mind game.  If this stuff can help me win the mind game= priceless. 

Something not so positive is that because of the caffeine, I'm sure that anyone who stops drinking this will feel some side effects.  I, for one, get horrendous caffeine withdrawal headaches.  It is also $50 a month, if you don't get a deal or do a preferred membership.  But my Dt Dew habit cost me around $60 a month, so....  Words of wisdom - drink lots of water the rest of the day and do not add to your Revital U Brew to your cup of coffee.  I read some reviews of people who had done that.  You're basically having a double shot of coffee with your cup of coffee if you add this TO your coffee. It is coffee.  Make it like coffee and drink it like coffee.  (Or add it to a protein shake, you won't be disappointed.)  Also, you cannot truly judge how the product will go based off of the one sample.  It can take 2 weeks for the full effects of supplements to be achieved.  (I read that from someone way more sciency than me.) So give it time to make a fair assessment.  The sample just really helps you decide if you can stand the taste and gives you a little glimpse of what the product can do for you.

If after reading all of this, you're interested, please feel free to message me and ask to be added to her Facebook group.  I don't like to go around willy nilly adding people to groups.  Especially groups selling things (kind of a pet peeve of mine actually).  This product is ALMOST good enough that I would though!  And if you join her group you can get a free sample just by asking!  Otherwise - if I have sold you on getting your own tub, here's the link:  Click here


  1. Just to let you know I stopped by and read your whole blog. You have a nice upbeat writing style. A friend I have know since my wedding 40 years ago has been involved in other MLM products but has been silent for a few years and is really excited about this #smartcoffee. Revital U. I am her social media bff so I am working on looking about how people talk about it on social media. Your post came up in my search.

    Do you have any stories about post-menopausal women who had to lost 50 or more pounds having any success. I want to find some stories I can relate to before I get too excited. I am interested in the mood lift since it is not hard to get down in the dumps these days with all the negative news. If you have any stories about +60 year olds- please post. Thanks #smartcoffee #skinnycoffee #revitalu

    1. I did the 3 day sample and lost 3 pounds. I am 60 years old. What i noticed right away was that i felt happier, which i didn't even know was something that happens both this coffee! My friend said the same thing! So now i have ordered it and used it today for the 2nd time. This stuff is great! I will see how much weight loss i get from it, and then maybe sell it

    2. I'm a 55-year old grandmother who's been serious about health and weight loss since seeing a photo of myself on Easter Sunday. I worked hard, I ate less (no sugar, no caffeine, less carbs), I worked out. I felt better and lost about ten pounds. The last 10-15 wouldn't budge but I stuck with my new routine. When I was coerced into trying Revital U, I was so, so, so skeptical. My three-day free trial turned into a six-day trial when I stole my husband's freebies. In spite of life being upside-down (dad's stroke, mom's dementia, work stress, etc.), I FELT GREAT! Doing absolutely nothing different, those last few pounds started melting off. I noticed first, then others noticed. Now after two months, I'm singing the praises of this magic coffee. I also need to mention that there was a one week lapse between my free trial and the arrival of my first shipment. Having had six days of coffee after no caffeine in five months, I expected to feel like I had a hang-over with flu-like symptoms, and for about two hours the first day I was slightly achy. But that was it. No raging headache, no feverish body aches, no mood swings. By lunchtime, I was fine...just missing my usual dose of coffee. Unbelievable. I'm reached a point now that I can drink Revital U every-other-day with the same positive results and zero negative results.

  2. Hey there! This is such a great post! Are you still interested in the business side or maybe you have already joined?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Please add me as I would like to try a free sample.

    1. Sorry - I do not sell the product, but if you go to their website you should be able to find someone who does!

    2. Hi! I am a brand influencer. My contact page is If you would like more information you can find my email and phone number through that link. Revital U is truly life changing. If you research it you will find so many positive experiences. Connect and I will be happy to share a free 3 day sample with you.

  7. I am also aab ran influencer. My contact page is . Revital U is definitely an eye opener that you will be amazed by. If you'd like to sample contact me via my email or web

  8. Thank you for your review! I have a close friend who lost 50 lbs (in her late 50's!!!) So I decided to try it to lose the weight I gained quitting smoking. First day I felt very wierd even though on ny friends advice I used less to start. Now on day 5 I am suddenly a morning person instead of dragging my butt so excited to see how this works@

  9. I’ve got free samples to give away if anyone wants to try the coffee, the cocoa, or the capsules after reading this great blog post and the writer’s review. Visit to learn more or to message me for your free samples.

  10. I just ordered some and its amazing im on week 2 and already lost 6 pounds! Somedays i wonder if the white stuff thats in it is Pure Crack lol im way to happy and energetic and for a mom of 4 this is a blessing

  11. I have been on this coffee for a month and have lost nothing.
    I am wondering if I am doing something wrong?
    I have been eating healthy and drinking my 64oz of water daily.
    Frustrated? any advice?

  12. Ive been on this for 2 months and walk every day and eating better diet. Ive gained 4lbs!
    I dont feel any different.
    I was told I would lose a bunch of weight by my vacation end of April. Highly doubt that!
    I also tried to cancel and get ny card info off and couldnt do it.
    I did tell her I would try another 2 months ..but, if I want to stop..I should be able to.
    And on my bank statement it comes up as a gas and electric company...whats with that??
    Ny niece is corporate attorney...Im going to talk to her.

  13. Has anyone had diarrhea after starting this? It seems to have messed my stomach up.

    1. Yes. stopped taking it. Couldn't leave house. Watching 4 grandchildren, taking to and picking up from school this wasn't an option. Also messed up my stomach. Took about a month for me to get back to normal after stopping.

  14. Some of the ingredients seem dangerous, strange there isn’t any quantities included! I

    1. If you spent big bucks on scientists developing a proprietary blend of ingredients that actually work you wouldn't give away your "recipe" either! Nothing dangerous. All things that can be found elsewhere.

  15. I take thyroid medication is this gonna interfere with it?

  16. This sounds like a drug... I'm very skeptical. What if you stop drinking it, do you gain all your weight back? Do you become a lazy couch potato? Do you have withdrawals? Anything that sounds too good to be true, well, you know.... probably is.

  17. I noticed my appetite increased in about 5 days after not drinking it. My energy decreased tremendously, but other than that no other side effects.. When I drink it every day I am full of energy and eat very little.

  18. I have just joined as a brand influencer. I am on my way back and getting my joining Money back £99.99. Its not explained straight forward. Something shady about it, have been given 30 satchets. Returning their shit and getting my dosh back. They are very secretive a lot of lies and something is damn fishy. Not for me good for those taking it or being duped into joining as business partners. But ends up as drug mules for them above, making money for them and getting peanuts in bonuses.

    1. Can i ask how you were duped into signing up & paying out £99.99? I'm also a brand Influencer & everything was fully explained to me before I paid out any money. You also for that money recieve 40 digital credits & a full back inlune office. No secrets the CEO was until 1st January doing live video's every night giving away money with no obligation to people who commented. If you would like to understand how to run your business drop me a message but surely you have your own upline who you signed to?

  19. Have you tried or done any reviews on Amare? Thanks

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