Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mind Your Melon

There's a new sensation that's sweeping the social network scene amongst young equestrians and I couldn't be happier.  It's #mindyourmelon which is a campaign to remind everyone to WEAR THEIR HELMETS.  The kids are sharing it, reminding each other, and being watch dogs for each other.  If anyone posts a picture or video of themselves without their helmets on, you can almost guarantee someone will chastise them and remind them to #mindyourmelon.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, "I've never seen Melissa with a helmet on".  You're right.  Other than the required hunt cap, I don't wear a helmet.  I'm an adult.  I figure if I'm going to do something dumb and reckless, I'm old enough to do so and old enough to suffer the consequences.  Even typing it I realize how dumb I sound.  I'm not setting a good example and my kids deserve to have their mother around for years to come.  You can't see me, but I'm raising my right hand and solemnly swearing to wear my helmet.  As soon as I find it.  I think I know right where it is.

Now that we've talked about me, who rides once in a blue moon and tries to never do anything reckless or dangerous.  I'm more of a walk/trot/western lope/trail ride kind of girl.  But when it comes to the younger crowd.... HELMETS ON.  Libby has been grounded for not wearing her helmets.  And by grounded I mean, the worst kind of punishment you can do to a horse crazy kid, grounded from riding.  She knows, if she's on a horse, it's helmets on.  Helmets on young horses.  Helmets on game horses.  Helmets on ANY time you're going over something remotely like a jump.  Helmets on for heavy duty work on broke horses.  Helmets. Helmets. Helmets.  I don't even have to really harp on her any more.  Why you ask?  Because the one time she tried to get away with not wearing her helmet this past winter, was when she took her dead broke, well trained pony for a quick trail ride around her own pasture.  Guess what happened?  He spooked, she fell off, hit her head on one of the few rocks in the pasture and luckily ended up with only a scrape and a mild concussion.  But it was enough of a concussion to scare her just a bit.

Guess why I am so outspoken about kids wearing a helmet?  Another personal example.  She was just 6 and riding her dead broke, super quiet, refuse to even trot pony in the safety of our round pen and she fell off.  She fell OFF when the pony kicked out at something - gosh knows what.  Could have been a disaster when her head bounced off the round pen.  But you know what?  Her helmet still carries the dent, but her head doesn't.

I'm not going to post on every picture I see of kids without helmets that you should "mind your melon".  I'm not going to try to tell people how to raise their kids.  But if you don't require helmets in your barn, I caution you to ask yourself what good reasons you have for not making your kids wear helmets.  Because you managed to make it to adulthood without one is not an excuse.  I managed to make it to adulthood without car seats, seat belts and air bags.  Are you going to argue that those aren't safety features? Oh and I did get a concussion from horse back riding as a teen.  NO fault of my dead broke, nothing quieter on the planet horse, no fault of my stupid teenage self, just riding along and my horse slipped on the mud.  I ended up blacking out and having a concussion.  (Oh and a broken shoulder but that's not entirely relevant.)

My kids will always wear helmets.  Until they are old enough to make those decisions on their own.  Can you give me a good reason why yours shouldn't?  If you can, you should watch this video:  Then show it to your kids.