Tuesday, November 17, 2015

SEMSCA year end

Well, it's that time of year again.  Saturday was the year end awards banquet for the show circuit we follow, SEMSCA.  We weren't the greatest at making every show; we missed the first two due to Libby's golf season (she actually missed the first three), we missed a random show in June and of course I missed the last show of the season as I spent it in the ER.  But all told me each made 8 out of 13 shows and headed to the banquet to see how we did.  
Libby and Zippy did a fabulous job.  They were reserve champions in western horsemanship and pleasure, English pleasure and equitation, and egg and spoon.  They placed in halter and bareback as well. Libby was hoping for a top ten in judged events and ended up in the top five with a fourth place finish.  She and Ace ended the year third in halter and pleasure.  She is beyond thrilled with her 2015 season and is excited to move on to 2016 with one of her new projects. 

This banquet was kind of unique for our family as it was the first time since 2009 that my name was announced as placing.  It was such a great year, broken collarbone and all, and I really am so thankful for Oscar and his safely carrying me around and putting up with horse show nonsense.  For a horse that hadn't done much beyond the occasional trail ride since he was just a young snaffle horse, he really did a great impression of a broke show horse.  
We had a blast at every show, and while we may not have blown the doors off any placings, we stuck it out and took home fifth in all of our classes.  It sounds more impressive than it was as no other contenders showed at enough shows to place in year end awards.  But I am not the least bit disappointed with our placings.  I'm just so excited to be in the show ring again.  Despite the fact that I make myself a nervous wreck, I am proud of myself for attempting and completing horsemanship and equitation patterns.  I'm proud of myself for taking a horse who didn't neck rein and doing a stellar impression of knowing what we were doing.  I'm proud of myself for being brave enough to slap on breeches and post in that tiny English saddle.  And most of all, I'm so glad I got to make some new friends, strengthen friendships with old friends and spend time with my girls.  Thanks for a great year, Oscar and we will miss you next year.  I know you'll be delighted to miss the baths, endless tying to the trailer and boring classes in exchange for the challenge of the trail.  And Zippy- it's time for the old folks show next year.  You're stuck with me! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Improve Yourself

I have a board on Pinterest called Improve Yourself.  It's not a board about weight loss, hairstyles or learning a hobby.  It's solely about being a better person.  I started on this journey over a year ago.  Gosh, it is so hard.  Ugh.  There are days when I would do anything to revert to sarcasm, judging and putting on my armour of "I don't care".  But instead I remind myself of all the things I've done so far and search for new things to work or read a chapter or two of Brene Brown's book "Rising Strong".  Then I remind myself of this:

A couple of photos that I keep on my phone to refer have been great reminders/guidance for me. 

Really, can you argue with anything here?  And some of these are so hard! Like #6- I've been working on gratitude for a couple of months now with a gratitude journal, so that's easy.  But #9- tough for me.  Like anything, it gets easier with practice.  But sometimes I think it would be easier to learn to shoot a free throw and I'm the kind of person who can miss the garbage from 3 feet away.
You want even harder.  How about this one?  I literally did not know how to take criticism without becoming defensive and attacking back.  I still struggle.  This is one where I think I could master the mid court shot before I'll master handling criticism. 

What struggles do you have with personal improvement? 

Sunday, November 8, 2015


My new favorite meditation.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1CDZGXlHYp8&t=2s

It's hard because I'm so picky.  I like the voice to be relaxing, but not the fakey breathy kind of voice that makes me want to come through my phone and shake the person.  And typically I prefer deep male voices, although they sometimes make me fall asleep.  I figure if I fall asleep during a meditation than it's doing a good job of quieting my mind and helping me relax so I don't worry too much.  
This meditation was shared on Pinterest by an author I follow on there.  She shared her book on Pinterest and it was truly amazing.  For just a couple bucks it really helped me open my eyes and I was even able to incorporate some of her ideas in my classroom. 
In fact, writing about it here makes me want to reread it, it's that good.  
If you struggle with anxiety, as I do, please take 15 minutes and try the "let it go" meditation.  And there is a quote that says something along the lines of that if you don't have time for a 15 minute mediation, then you need to do 30 mins. It can make all the difference!  
And while you're at it, download Debbie's book and see if it doesn't open your eyes to a few things as well.  Happy heartfelt wishes for peace!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Big Break

Well, I haven't been very good at keeping up here.  No good reasons.  But in a few short days I have an appointment.  It's a big one as it is the final checkup post op for my broken collarbone.  For those who haven't heard the whole story, yes- I got bucked off a horse.  This is the same horse that a month later and not that much more practice, safely carried Libby at a huge horse show with never stepping a foot wrong.  So many people kept asking if this was the same horse that bucked, in disbelief that I finally started responding, "yeah, I just can't ride."  We will probably never figure out what caused her to start bucking that day, as she was fine minutes later when Libby rode her, but I'm just glad it seems to be behind her.
The ER Dr seemed to think I could get by with just wearing a figure 8 harness.  My own doctor took one look at my xray and knew I needed to see a surgeon.  

The surgeon gave me my "options".  I could leave it and see if some cells might drop down and connect the two pieces or I could have surgery and be better in 6 weeks.  I opted for the surgery.  I wasted a week just waiting to get to that point and I wanted to start getting better.  Before surgery, this was what it looked like:

That lump is the bone almost protruding through the skin.  In fact the surgeon said that when he went to open the incision there were only a few layers of skin keeping it from breaking through.  Sure glad I got it fixed.  The day after surgery it was already looking better:

I had to spend way too much time doing nothing or not enough of anything but it is finally getting back to almost normal.

Here's hoping the xray tomorrow shows a healed bone and I get back strength and range of motion before too much longer.  Long term is that I should probably not fall off a horse and land on it again, and the cold is more of a pain in my shoulder than a pain in my ass.  But all in all I feel a lot better than I thought I would at this stage of the healing game! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

You Can Too!

I was running yesterday morning on the beautiful Harmony/Preston bike trail and my handy little fitness app was doing its usual job of informing me on how fast I was clicking off miles and how far I had gone.  At the first thing through my head was that there way I would post my time for anyone to see.  And that got me thinking about how sad it was that I could log nearly 5 miles and still be ashamed of my efforts.  How sad!
Of course, because I overthink most things, it led me to think to myself that there are probably a lot of people who are ashamed or even afraid to start exercising because they are intimidated by their friends who post on social media how fast or far they run or how much they can lift, etc...
I'm here to tell you that you can't let that stop you!  I don't have a problem with people posting their successes on social media, but please don't let that stop you. Don't let the fear of being slow or not going as far, stop you from getting up and doing something.  I refuse to let it stop me or waste another moment thinking I'm not good enough from here on out.  And I promise to remind myself that no matter how slow I go or how short my distance, at least I'm doing something for me and my health.
I think this fear of judgment is really shared by all.  I know lots of my friends who are embarrassed by how slow they go.  Or that they don't have the "right" clothes or that they don't have all the gadgets.  I've been there for sure.  But guess what?  Even if you run in a ratty tshirt or go for a walk in your pjs- it's still something! And even bigger guess what- if you don't share on social media, no one will even know.  Ha!  
You can take heart in that lots of people who are posting their times or level of workout are fudging the truth a little bit.  For the same reason you are afraid to get started.  Too worried about what others are thinking and facing judgment.  Yes, the world would be a better place if we stopped judging others.  But I'm here to tell you, that day isn't around the corner.  You can't let that fear keep you on the couch.  For every person who runs faster or lifts more there are millions of others who would be glad to be able to run or walk as fast as you.  

Keep moving-

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Getting ready for the show

How do two perfectionists get ready for a horse show you ask? Lots of my non horse friends ask me this and wonder how hard it can be.  Well, it's not hard per se, when you love spending time with horses, but it does involve your fair share of elbow grease.
The day before the show is wash/clip/band day.  Now once upon a time we had a heated wash rack.  Those days have come to pass so now this entails going out to the pasture, hooking up the trailer and driving the horses to town. 
We start by washing.  Every inch of the horse must be wetted down, scrubbed with soap and rinsed.  The tail requires a good scrubbing and conditioner that we let soak in for a good long time.  In Oscar's case...that's a whole lot of tail.  None of our horses like their faces washed so that gets to be a game of who can lift their head the highest.  With the help of a step stool, I always win. 
As they dry, it's banding time.  Banding is putting a series of tiny little pony tails in very precisely so that the mane hair lays down neat and tidy against the neck. On our ponies I would put in around 50+.  Not sure on the big horses.  Oscar's mane has a curl to it and is unruly, Zippys is awesome and Ace wins the perfect mane award.  
After banding, the horses are dry enough to clip.  You can spend big bucks on horse clippers, but I cheat and buy the $20 pairs from the dog section.  All of our horses have different areas they aren't fond of being clipped so we usually have to twitch everyone.  It isn't the nicest thing to do to a horse, but considering how close my face gets to their feet and that I like my face just the way it is, it's what I refer to as a necessary evil. We clip their ears, bridle path (section of mane just behind the ears), faces (especially under the jaw), muzzles and fetlocks/feet area. 
After clipping we put slinkies on to protect their bands and blankets to keep them as clean as possible.  Again, in the old days it was put them in a stall for the night, but now it is back out to the pasture and pray they don't roll and it doesn't rain. 
In the morning we head out to get the horses around 4:30.  This can be a challenge in a dusky or dark 10 acre pasture.  Sometimes the only way we find them is luck.  After fighting a horde of mosquitoes we are loaded and on our way. 
At the show we survey the damages.  Oscar has usually rubbed half his bands out and has to be redone (perfectionist).  Ace will have put a hole in his slinkie somewhere and do a vague impression of Elvis and Zippy, well Zippy always rolls and always has a dirty face.  
After warming them up we bring them back to the trailer for their final show cleanup.  Tails are conditioned again and brushed out.  Zippy gets a tail extension put in to make his tail look longer and fuller.  This is braided into his natural tail to try to make it flow.  Bands are redone or tightened.  Forelocks get brushed and banded.  Ears, nostrils and face are all wiped clean and a clean rag is run over the whole horse.  We use a lady's razor to get the close stubble off their muzzles so they are super smooth and apply a little face shine.  Then the feet.
The feet and lower legs have to be scrubbed.  I use a long handed kitchen scrubber and a bottle of water that we squeeze on to rinse.  Then if we are serious we rough up the hooves with a little sandpaper and apply hoof black or clear hoof polish.  
Last but not least a quick coat of body shine is sprayed on and then right before the class, the most important of the day, fly spray.  Not that any of them last for more than 5 minutes.  But we try.  
And that's it!  The horses are ready to put their best hoof forward as they say.  Anyone want to help for the next one?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ulcers and Perfectionism

Can someone else's perfectionism give you ulcers?  Serious question here.  Well, kind of serious.  Perfectionism runs in my family.  My dad is the ultimate perfectionist when it comes to the things he loves; cars, singing, carpentry, etc...  I'm a perfectionist when it comes to lots of things.  Loads actually.  And as they say, the tree and the apple, and all that... well Libby takes perfectionism to whole new levels.  And it really hit home this week.

Only my daughter would pass her permit test and then promptly fail the vision portion.  Oh really, that isn't so bad you say.  Right, but she failed because she didn't want to guess.  Since she couldn't see them perfectly, she didn't want to get them wrong and guess.  So... failed.  Red rubber stamp and off to the eye doctor we go.

The eye doctor tests her eyes and says, "Are you sure you don't want to go back and try the test again?  I can't believe you didn't pass it.  Really.  Just guess!"  Honest Abe in the office chair says that she'd rather just get the glasses.  The very nice eye doctor lady checks "corrective lenses optional" and sets us up with a brand spanking new pair of glasses.

It was so fun driving home with her though as she realized what she has been missing all this time.  She was constantly remarking on the signs that she can read now and how sharp everything looked.  It was pretty cool and I'm super happy for you.  It's fun to finally be able to see!

You want to know the really truly funny thing.  Ryan's daughter just got glasses a few weeks ago.  Out of the hundreds of options at the eye center, guess which pair Libby randomly chose?  The same pair as Hailey.  What are the chances!?

Blind as a bat and my kid is too - 

You missed me - you really missed me.

I stopped writing in here months ago and figured no one would miss the demise of our family blog.  Here's the shocker... Someone. Actually. Missed. It.  I had someone tell me the other day that they missed reading my blog.  I about hit the ground.  Really?  People are reading this?  Wow.  So for my loyal fans..*cough*.. fan, I will again pick up my keyboard and carry on!

Hmm.. what to write about first... Hmm...  Want funny for my first entry back?  I've got funny.

As many of you know, it's horse show season!  And that means things are bound to get a little crazy.  But even crazier, guess who is back in the saddle?  ME!  Libby and I were trying to think of when was the last year that I showed a full season.  It was a while ago.  Maybe 5 years?  6?  And it shows, believe me, it shows.  But I've made a little progress this summer and I have a good safe horse to ride who challenges me at every show.  So I'm having a blast.

So, with that as my defense, and please forget that even though I haven't been showing I have attended hundreds of shows in the last 6 years, I will tell you about my "duh" moment a couple weeks ago.

There I was, in the sloppiest arena I had ever ridden in.  Giant puddles, literally when we loped we splashed around the arena.  In English Oscar wouldn't even pass off the rail and broke gait whenever I tried.  It was a mess.  This is also the show where the pleasure is after the games.  And Libby being the worrier she is, did NOT want to be late so we had gotten to the show around 10:00 and waited for hours for pleasure to start.  And it is finally the last class of the day.  In I go.

We are splashing around and the announcer calls for a stop.  Right in the middle of the largest puddle on the rail.  And all I could think was that Oscar would not want to turn around in that mess.  And the announcer gives the call "Reverse your horses".  Now you non horse people are going to probably think I was perfectly sane when I started to back my horse up.  Literally I was so relieved because I got to back first and get out of the puddle before we would have to turn around.  The announcer says "Reverse your horses".  Again.  And I was thinking that it was odd that they would make the call to reverse again, but we backed up again. And Oscar backed so nicely.  I was so proud.  Thinking to myself that things are going pretty well, the announcer says again, "Reverse your HORSES".  So I look around wondering what the heck is going on and see everyone facing the other way and then the light dawns on my dim mind.  OH yeah, reverse means go the other way.

I started laughing, the other people in the ring were laughing, the judge was laughing and even the announcer comes on to thank you for the laugh at the end of a long day.  In fact she came by the trailer after my class to thank me as well.  It truly was hilarious.  I was even laughing at myself and don't mind sharing my story one bit!

But then... there was another show a week or so ago when the judge called for our class to reverse on the diagonal.  I even knew what to do.  I waited for the corner, cut across the arena and suddenly realized I was still going the same direction.  How did I manage to attempt to reverse and STILL not get reversed.  Apparently, I still have a few kinks to iron out.  But when I figure out how to go both ways, well, you all had just better watch out!

Happy to be back in the show ring -

Monday, April 27, 2015

Love letters

I find inspiration everywhere.  The most recent "for me" or "fun" book that I just finished was American Sniper.  In the book Chris Kyle's wife Taya interjects from time to time.  At one point she talked about being angry with Chris for going back to Iraq and refused to accept from him his "death letters" or letters that he wrote for them if he didn't come back from the war.  I'm going to quote her here:

"Show me now.  Make it real.  Don't just say some sappy shit when you're gone.  Otherwise it is a load of crap." 

That really hit me.  I've done this.  I've written letters to my girls and revised them for a time.  It's been forever now.  And I've gotten such a letter.  My mom had them written for us when she realized that cancer was going to get the best of her:   But I can also really really see her point.  

If we aren't proving to those that we love them every day, what solace will they take from a letter that says, "I did really love you, sorry if you didn't realize that or I didn't show you enough."  And what if you never have a need, God willing, for your family to read your death letter?  Do they deserve to go through life wondering how much they meant to you?  How much you cared? 

Don't those that we love deserve to be told and shown every single day that we love them? That they are the most important people in the world to us?  I challenge you.  Write your death letter.  Tell them everything you would want them to know if something happened and you weren't going to be with them again.  Then give it to them.  It's really that simple.  

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday basketball

Okay, seriously.  My only blogs seems to be about Sophie and her extra curricular activities.  I do have a life.  I promise.  Most of it revolves around work and the kids, true.  But truthfully, who wouldn't love to watch these kids play?  And I got to visit with some old horse friends!  Thanks Bo for keeping me company.  ;)

The first game went so well - we all thought the girls were going to bring home their first win.  Sadly, in the last few seconds the other team squeaked out a couple of baskets to win by 2.  It was a real barn burner with a final of 12-10.  But Sophie scored!  A couple of times.

The second game wasn't quite as close.  But there were improvements made by all.  It was so fun to watch as Sophie pushed herself to shoot more.  She scored a few more times but it wasn't enough to bring the Falcons within winning distance and they ended up 28-14.  Good effort by all.  Saw improvements in everyone!

Playing Dover-Eyota meant that Sophie went head to head against some of her old horse show buddies.  I asked her how that was and she said that it was fun to see them and not as weird as she thought it would be.  Kind of fun to see them in a different situation!

Sophie got to shoot her first free throws in a game situation.  4 shots, didn't make one and when she went to practice shooting hoops between halves, made her first one.  I told her that was pretty typical.  I would be a nervous wreck shooting free throws in front of everyone.

I love seeing her part of a team and being such a great team player.  They are always out there backing each other up and finding great joy in their teammates success.  LOVE seeing this, this is what it is about!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Another weekend, another basketball game

I can't help but face a day of basketball with trepidation.  Not having ever been a basketball fan... did I mention that before???  But seriously, it is so fun.  Even though we were home and that meant we were there for...give or take 7 hours... it was so fun.  I absolutely LOVE watching Sophie's team play and we even stayed to watch my 6th grade girls play a game.  I might be coming a basketball fan...ssshh...  She's so fun to watch.  I love to watch her get in there and get put her all into every game.  And thanks to a quick trip to Rochester we were not a fashion disaster this week.  New laces, new socks, new shorts... check out that hip baller.

Sunday we intended to have a lazy day at home, but you know how that goes.  One cleaning thing led to another and then it was a beautiful day and all of a sudden we were heading out to the pasture to play with Libby's boys.  She wanted to get some pictures.  So guess what that means.  That means mom gets to be the one looking like an idiot chasing around her horses.  And because they don't "chase" very well and aren't spooky, I got one hell of a workout.  To make matters EVEN better, we had an audience with a vehicle that passed and gave us a friendly honk.  (Thanks for witnessing my humiliation, Adam.)
These two might not have been easy to get to go "dashing through the snow", but they are so adorable!!!  You cannot resist these two and their adorable faces.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Busy weekend for Sophie

You know, I tried to keep a positive attitude going into this weekend, but I have to admit I wasn't looking forward to how busy we would be.  But I'm not going to lie, it was a blast!

Not knowing much about basketball, and not being a big basketball fan, I was thinking that watching the 5th grade games might drag by.  Not even close.  I still don't know squat about basketball, but I yell a lot of "Go White" or "Go Sophie" and do a lot of repeating whatever the Falcon fans around me say.  Hopefully I didn't make too much of an ass of myself, but it was so exciting.  I'm not gonna lie.  We didn't win, but it is so cool to watch Sophie get better as the game went on.  Very proud of her.  Going to get her basketball shorts and longer socks.  I know nothing about game attire, but Libby, being the basketball fashion police, informed me I need to get to Dick's.  So will make a stop there and get her ready for this next Saturday's game.  Cannot wait!

We rounded out the afternoon with running to buy a load of hay and getting it all stacked and ready for the horses.  There is really nothing more rewarding and reassuring than having that hay stacked and knowing the horses will be kept fat and happy.

Today was another busy day for Sophie.  Today was the Just For Kix winter show.  So many great performances.  I don't know which I like better, watching the talented older students, the improvement in the middle grades or the antics of the youngest dancers.  There is something in every act that makes you smile.  

Sophie danced in 4 songs and by far my favorite was the trio that she and two of her friends did.  When they told me that they were choreographing their own routine I was a little skeptical.  I was so shocked and so proud!  It was amazing.  Cute, creative, and showcased each of them.  So blown away.  I'm just so impressed with the program that Kari runs.  I honestly don't know how she manages all those dancers but we can't thank her enough!

Rounded out the weekend with a 4H meeting and off to a relaxing week at work and school.  Happy Sunday and back to work Monday to all of you!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Memes I want to make...

First all of:  Definition of a meme since it is new terminology.  One of those "created by the internet" words.
  • a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

And because everything is better with an example:

Now, I've tried several different meme makers, and none of them seem to make it to the completed stage.  Obviously I am meme challenged.  But if I could make a meme, I have a couple ideas.  

#1.  "If you feel the need to judge me, at least be right." 
I'm the first to admit I've made mistakes, and I'm not perfect.  But one thing I've learned, do not judge someone unless you are close to them.  Unless you know the situation they are in AND if you go through all that and still feel like you can make a judgment, make sure you're right.  Nothing more humorous though than someone who is dead wrong spouting off in self righteousness.

#2.  "Take your negative bitter judgmental self over there, to the bottom of that cliff, the long way." 
One thing I'm learning, slowly and have to have it told to me over and over again, is that you need to remove negative people from your life if you want to make your life more positive.  There are just some people who refuse to see the light at the end of the tunnel, refuse to see the silver lining, refuse to see that how they live their life is their choice, they are not a product of their environment.  It's hard enough for a person to do when surrounded by positive people, but when you have someone who is either holding you back, or worse, trying to bring you down to their level, it is impossible.  Cut the ties with whomever it is.  I'm hear to tell you that you will survive and you might even find your life better for it.  And when they make fun of you for your positive attitude it will only serve to amuse you because you will recognize that you are indeed, the happier person.

#3.  "The next time someone says 'it must be nice to be skinny', I'm going to hit them in the face... with a treadmill."
First of all, let me begin by saying skinny does not equal fit and healthy and those should always be someone's primary goal.  So many people start a diet or exercise program to get "skinny" and that is not the goal.  Second of all, I am neither skinny nor fit, but when I was more fit, it was hard hard work.  Hard work and it is offensive to have someone say "it must be nice".  It is nice.  It is nice to know that all your hard work has paid off and you're a healthier person because of it.  Stop trying to find a magic pill, get up and get to work.  Put down the Coldstone cake (this means you Melissa) and choose fruits and vegetables instead.  And even if you don't get "skinny" (man -I've grown to hate that word), you will be healthier.  Just like being negative or positive, being fit or unfit is a personal choice.  

New Year's Resolutions

I'm not one to set and/or follow New Year's Resolutions.  But I have learned about the importance of setting goals over the years and have had the importance of them impressed upon me time and again. So I wrote out an example of a New Year's Resolution essay and figured this was the best place to share it, since this blog is even directly mentioned.

New Year’s Resolutions: 2015
New Year’s resolutions are like goals that a person sets for themselves at the beginning of the new year.  Setting goals or deciding to change things about yourself doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.  Everyone can always better themselves, and I just want to be the best person I can be.  So I looked back on last year and decided on a few things I would like to change.
            First, I would like to make more time for myself to read.  Sometimes it is hard with all the responsibilities of work and being a mom to find time to read books just for fun.  But this break I organized my bookshelves and found so many great books that I have been meaning to read.  Not only do I enjoy reading and use it as a mental break, but reading keeps your mind young.  So my goal is to set aside time each day to catch up on my free reading, even if it is only 10-15 minutes.
            Another one of my resolutions is to prepare for another half marathon.  To do this I will need to sign up for a half marathon, set a training schedule and stick to it.  I have run two half marathons a year for the past two years.  I am hoping to do the same two this year but add a weight lifting component to my training.  I can really feel my lack of dedication to my training the past two months in my overall health.  I’m more aware than ever about the importance of regular exercise and a good diet!  My goal is to train at least 4 days a week using running on the treadmill, elliptical training and weight lifting in various segments. 
            My third and last resolution for 2015 is to do a better job of updating our family blog.  It is a great way to keep track of what our family has been up to and document our ups and downs throughout the year.  It is also fun at the end of the year to look back on it and remember as a family.  I haven’t blogged in months so it will be hard to get back into the swing of things.  I’m going to set an easy goal of once a week for 2015, but I sure hope that I can do it a few more times than that.
            I feel very confident that I will be able to reach the goals I have set for myself in 2015.  Each of them will make me a healthier and happier person for 2015, but aren’t so difficult that I won’t be able to accomplish them either.  What are your resolutions for 2015?