Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Describing myself in meme

Alright  - today's blog has no political point, no deep thoughts and really, is just a complete bunch of frivolous nonsense.   But, oh my gosh, was it ever fun.  I was trying to pick up my spirits.  Feeling a little frustrated and down in the dumps.  Not for any good reason either, just one of those days, ya know?  So I decided to cheer myself up by searching funny memes.  And while doing that I realized I was thinking to myself "that is so me" about a thousand times.  So I decided to describe myself using 10 memes or less.  And I'm going to try to hint on some of my "fun" qualities, even those I am less than proud of.  Let's begin.  
Okay.  Meme #1.  Something I'm always, always, working on.  Trying to think things through, give myself space and time and never respond when angry.  It works.  Sometimes.  

I shared this one the other day on Facebook.  So much truth.  Why is it so hard to get dressed?  I cannot tell you the number of times that I have almost bashed my face into a wall or even the floor because my feet are tangled in my pants.  Or I do that hop around the room trying to regain some form of balance before disaster.  Maybe I should consider sitting down to get dressed?

Umm... so that may literally be me today.  Snow day.  Where it took me until almost noon to convince myself to go work out.  Other days I'm able to pop out of bed at 4:00 and get an hour in.

I'm the worst at this.  Luckily my best friend is exactly the same way.  We are notorious for making plans to get together and then canceling them last minute because we are both just too lazy to get out and do something.  Our favorite "days out" involve going to one house or the other in our pajamas to watch a movie.  It's a crazy life we lead.

I like to think that I smile and am kind to others.  But not gonna lie - the things/memes/jokes I laugh at, will never be shared in polite company.

I am a certified neat freak.  Not my strongest point.  I like things where they belong and I am a bit of a germaphobe.  So yes, when something is clean I'd like it to stay that way.  For longer than 10 seconds.  But apparently that doesn't happen when you have kids.

I'm not sure what side of my genetics I get to blame for the red tinted hair, freckles and alabastar (don't I wish that was still a desired trait - I need to move back in time to medieval days) skin tone.  Even in the summer I look like a ghost.  Or a lobster.  There doesn't seem to be much of an in between.

I always have this goal of being one of those moms that keeps her cool and talks in this calm relaxed tone even when my kids are driving me batshit crazy.  That usually lasts until one of them tells me "whatever" or to "jeez - relax mom".  

Yep.  This is me.  Literally all the time.  Even when I am going places I like to hang out with people I love.  I still have to work up to going out and I still have to mentally prepare myself to deal with people.  

This next extra special section I'd like to title "If You Didn't Think Tim Was a Unicorn Before, This is the Shit He Puts Up With".  I get to go over my 10 meme or less rule because it is my blog and I want to 

"You gonna eat that last fry?" Or bread.  Do not leave buttered bread or rolls unattended.  I am literally a carb addict and do not take responsibility for my actions if you leave your food unattended.  Don't want me to steal your food, order something gross.  Like... like... I don't know, I kind of just like food in general. 

I believe we covered the bread addiction.  But yes - we can indeed add garlic.  Anything with garlic.  Bonus if it is garlic salt. 

Well, we can't officially say husband yet.  But I believe we have had conversations similar to this already.  Just need a little reassurance every now and then.  Sometimes in the middle of the night.  Who sleeps through the night anyway?  

Well yes - I do have problems sleeping through the night.  And yes I do check my phone and try to fall back asleep.  And sometimes it is just too good not to share. 

I have shared this before and so far, Tim has been lucky enough that I have behaved myself.  It helps that we live in town and they frown on goats.  It really helps Tim that is.  Because is there anything cuter than baby goats.  No, I thought not.

Have a great day everyone!  Hopefully I don't scare all of you away....  anyone left out there?  Anyone???

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