Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Save the Date

I know you all know about the engagement.  Heck, it was Facebook official months ago.  And it seemed pretty “real” then.  But as the months went by and we didn’t set a date or pick a venue or make any real plans or decisions, the wedding came to be something that “might” happen, someday.  For the past 7 months I have been asked more times than I can count if we had set a date yet.  I always had to respond that not really, but we were thinking about January of 2018.  It was a vague, far off date that almost felt unreal.  

People who know the old me would think I would be more than okay with that.  Heck, how many times did I proclaim that I was never getting married again.  I’m sure you all lost track.  But one man definitely changed that for me.  He changed everything. I guess you could say that THIS finally happened.

 I cannot wait to be his wife.  And I was getting impatient for a date to be set.  However, we were waiting for things to fall into place.  It seemed like an impossible task. But then rather out of the blue everything did start to fall into place. We got the go ahead to set a date and it's officially official. We booked a venue and a photographer and… it’s getting real folks!  It will be here before you know it.  We have a date set of July 22, 2017!  Six months from now I will get to marry the man of my dreams, my best friend, and we get to start our lives together as man and wife.  So excited!

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