Monday, January 16, 2017

Settled in at DE

I get a lot of people asking me how the girls are doing at Dover-Eyota.  The answer is that they are doing great!  I'm so proud of them.  I know I would have been terrified and would never have been brave enough to start over at a new school if given the choice.  Yet they both embraced the change and have really taken off with it.  I guess I should have known that these two were up to the challenge.
Libby and Sophie both tried something new and went out for the musical.  I know they both enjoyed it and hope to be active in drama again in the future.  Libby joined FFA this year (as did Sophie) and has been to at least one competition.  They are both still in band and choir and enjoying new instructors in both.

I know that most of you weren't worried about Miss Sassy Sophie making friends with being involved in volleyball and basketball.  And she has a herd of girls (and maybe some boys?) that she has to keep up with on Snapchat.  But never fear about Libby either.  I got to enjoy watching Libby be virtually tackled by a friend as we got to the basketball game the other night. They are building relationships and love their new school.  Even though we will always love the Falcons, they are effectively Eagles now.

Of course I have to thank all of the DE staff also for welcoming them with open arms and going the extra mile to not only help them get settled in, but also push them and expect them to keep achieving at a top level.  It has been a great transition.
Now, every transition has its drawbacks.  DE does play FC.  Volleyball was hard enough.  But somehow the fact that they were each on their own sides of the net made it all that much easier. However, I still get choked up when I look at the picture we took of the "team" all together again after the game.

On Friday FC traveled to Eyota and played us for basketball.  I'm not going to lie, it was very hard to watch Lauren and Sophie face off against each other.  And boy do they both play hard.  They may have been best friends for as long as we can remember, but they sure looked like opponents (as they should) when they guarded each other.  So hard and I know I made a butt of myself as I had to cheer for both teams; my loyalty will always be with my girls and where they go to school, but my heart has to be with my other "kids" that I've watched play together for years.  Super proud of both of them and both teams played their hearts out.

So that's how it has been going so far, so far so good.  Excited to see what the second half of the year brings!

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