Wednesday, January 4, 2017

No Arguing on Facebook

                                                       Dumbest Things on the Internet

I always make a New Year’s resolution to not get into arguments on Facebook (or other internet sources).  I’m sure if there had ever been an actual study done, I have to believe that your odds of changing someone’s mind or opinion by what you post on social media is like 1,238,589,298,893 to 1.  Thankfully I’m blessed to have so many wonderful, intelligent friends that seldom post anything besides jokes, pics of their kids and horses, recipes, stuff for sale and places they have been.  YAY!  

The election was hard. That’s an understatement, it was excruciating.  Many of you remember my plan.  Any time I felt the need to respond to someone’s post or incorrectly shared meme, I would instead redirect my thoughts by sharing a picture of one of our horses.  I shared a lot of pictures of horses the last few months.  And truth be told - I could still share some today.  But people don’t change their political views because someone argued with them on Facebook.  So I do best to avoid/stay out of political discussions and just keep hoping and praying for our country.

I also surf horse pages on Facebook, and most of the time I can be good. Sometimes I want every pretty horsie and it’s an uplifting experience to see so many fat and happy horses.   But sometimes the saddle/bridle is on backwards, or the girth is hanging down, a thin or lame horse horse is being ridden or someone says that a Tom Thumb is a great starter bit and I just can’t keep my fingers from moving.  Then I resemble this meme.

I could make a New Year’s resolution to stop getting into arguments, but I know I wouldn’t be able to stick to it.  When people share memes or information that is incorrect or if someone attacks my opposing views as being “stupid”, I know that is one resolution I will not be able to stop myself from breaking.  

So for now I’ll stick to my tried and true plan of a self imposed wait period before responding and hope that time will cure me of thinking that opinion needs to be heard.

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