Friday, January 6, 2017

Trigger Words

So.  I’m going to lay out some words or phrases that I really hate.  Not so much the denotation of the words.  But the connotation behind them.  In other words, not the words you say, the words you MEAN.  

For example.  WHATEVER.  Merriam Webster provides us with the following definition.
  • 1a :  anything or everything that <take whatever you want>b :  no matter what <whatever he says, they won't believe him>c :  whatnot <enjoys skiing, hiking, or whatever>
Yeah, umm.. no.  Maybe that is whatever started to mean or was the original denotation of the word.  But it does not mean that today.  As I have told my kids, there is a little “f--- you” in every “whatever”.   Think about it.  And use it very. Very. Carefully. Sophie still needs to learn this one. Apparently so does Tim. Poor guy tried to use it with the actual denotation and it didn't get taken that way.

Another one that I warned Tim about from the get go is FINE.  I’ve used it.  You’ve used it.  And I would gather that 90% of the time that you tell people things are “fine”, things are decidely not “fine”.  Now on rare occurrences, I may actually use fine the way Merriam Webster intended.  But for the most part, it is definitely more a sign of “oh shit, things are not going well”.

How about bae?  Why the hell did this even become a “word” that people use?  According to Urban Dictionary it means the following:
"Bae," Urban Dictionary says, is an acronym that stands for "before anyone else," or a shortened version of baby or babe, another word for sweetie, and, mostly unrelated, poop in Danish
Have we Americans gotten so lazy we need to shorten 4 letter one syllable words like “babe”.  Really?  And do we really need to go around calling someone we love the Danish word for poop?  This is one that needs to disappear.  Soon.  And we can all look back and laugh at how silly everyone was.  

Anyone else have trigger words?  Nails on a chalkboard, do not use that one around me, pet peeve words?

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