Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Facebook Survey

So there is this copy and paste Facebook status going around.  It’s where you ask your boyfriend/husband these questions and see how well he knows you.  And then it made the rounds with the same questions but ask your kids.  Normally I hate copy/paste statuses, but this one intrigued me as I was super curious what they would have to say.  Tim and Sophie had to go cold turkey.  Libby kind of cheated because she had read Tim’s and Sophie’s responses before she gave her answers, but it was still fun.  Then Libby wanted to know who was “more right”.  (Of course she did - she’s my kid and uber competitive.)

So let’s compare answers.  And to be fair to him- Tim didn’t get exactly the same questions.  But several were the same.  He also had a couple of extra questions - but we aren’t sharing those.  Mostly because he didn’t take them seriously, like my celebrity crush being Donald Trump.  

*What is something I say a lot?
Soph: Knock it off
Libs: All you have to do is love each other
Tim: Don’t give me that look
Me: Personally I don’t think I say any of those very often.  I’m sure I have great words of wisdom and quotable truths just spilling from me each and every moment of the day.  Words to live by.  
*What makes me happy?  
Soph: Tim Andring
Libs: Me
Tim: My family
Me: All so true.  I guess if we were going with “most” true, it would have to be Tim because family is the most important thing in my life.  Even my family members that aren’t related by blood, but have been my true friends and with me through thick and thin.
*What makes me sad?
Soph: When the dogs are sick or hurt
Libs: When I'm gone
Tim: Lame horses
Me: Again, all true.  Libby knows how much I am dreading when she goes away to college.  I don’t really see why she has to go AWAY to college when there is Winona State and RCTC just a half hour on either side of us. Then I don’t have to miss her and she can live with me forever.  Problem solved!  Both Tim and Sophie recognize that my pets are part of my extended family and it hurts me to see them hurting.  
*How tall am I?
Soph: 5’ 5 ½”
Libs: Same size as me
Tim: 5’ 6”
Me:  Well, first of all Libby - YOU WISH!  But I love how specific Sophie is, I guess I may have mentioned that ½ a time or too.  She even said “Don’t forget the half”.
*What's my favorite thing to do?
Soph: Ride horses
Libs: Ride my horses after I train them (nice try)
Tim: Ride horses
Me:  Well, there you have it Captain Obvious
*What is my favorite food?
Soph: Hu Hot
Libs: Anything sweet with lemon
Tim: Chicken crack/ Place to eat- Red Lobster
Me:  WRONG!  I love them all.  And Red Lobster the most of the 3 for sentimental reasons (Tim and my first date), but my favorite food is pizza.  My sister is laughing out loud at this one because I was the kid who never ate pizza.  Refused to eat pizza.  But now I love all kinds of pizza; breakfast, mac n cheese, hawaiian, meat lovers, BBQ chicken, chicken alfredo, bacon cheeseburger, deep dish, new york, calzone, etc…  Haven’t met a pizza I don’t like.  

*What is my favorite drink?
Soph: Water
Libs: Dt Mountain Dew
Me: Both are correct.  I love my Dt. Mountain Dew, but I don’t go anywhere without my water bottle.  If Dt Mountain Dew were good for you it would be my hands down favorite.  But I know I have to concentrate on making healthy choices.  So plain water it is.
*If I could go anywhere, where would it be?
Soph: Mexico
Libs: To a beach
Me:  I think I’m going to go with wrong for both of them.  While I would love to visit a foreign location, and I love the idea of warm, water doesn’t appeal to me.  (See previous blog on fears)  I hate wearing a swimsuit, I burn like a lobster after 15 minutes, and the ocean terrifies those of us who can’t swim and are afraid of all things creepy/crawly/swimmy.  I would LOVE to visit Greece, I have a fascination with the history and the mythology of the place.  Or Japan.  Or France/Germany/Britain - old castles especially.  Ireland sounds fascinating.  If I’m staying in the country, I’d like to spend forever in D.C. and tour the museums.  I’d like to visit New York and California - anywhere really.  

*Do you think you could live without me?
Soph: No
Libs: No for obvious reasons
Tim: No
Me:  Good - because I couldn’t live without them either.
*How do I annoy you?
Soph: When you share pictures of me from the past with your class.
Libs: When you embarrass me in public places
Tim: You don’t
Me:  In my defense, it is my sworn duty as a mother to embarrass my kids.  It’s part of our JOB.  And Tim, bless your heart you liar you!  Mwah (big kiss)
*What is my favorite TV show?
Soph: Once Upon a Time
Libs: Friends
Tim: Something with super heroes
Me:  Right, right and yep.  I don’t know if I have a favorite.  I could quote almost every line in Friends I have seen it start to finish so many times.  I guess that would be the closest to my favorite show ever.  But dang, that Once Upon a Time is so awesome.  

*What is my favorite music to listen to?
Soph: Pop
Libs: Disney
Me:  Wow.  Completely different answers and both pretty accurate.  There really isn’t a Disney station on the radio so my radio is usually tuned to KROC or Z93.  But I can sing almost any Disney song from heart so.. both are equally correct.
*What is my job?
Soph and Libs: Teacher
Me: I’m disappointed neither listed the obvious “Wonder Woman”.
*How old am I?
Soph: 39 (For the win)
Libs: 40 (For accuracy of course)
*What's my favorite color?
Soph: Blue

Libs: Sky Blue (Because she is a perfectionist and because she wants to be “more” right than her sister.

So to answer Libby's question, it's a tie.

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