Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Guilty Pleasures - My Top Ten

The other morning I was listening to the radio on the way to work and the DJs were discussing guilty pleasures.  They had a list of the top movies that people considered guilty pleasures and were asking callers to guess the top three.  The grand reveal listed Mama Mia at number 3, Dumb and Dumber at number 2 and Legally Blonde at number one.  I was trying to think of a movie that I could list as a guilty pleasure.  Which led me to ask myself what a guilty pleasure even truly is.  Google says: “something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard.”  Hmm…

What movies are your guilty pleasures?  I don’t know if I have many.  Most of the movies I love, my bestie loves too so they must be held in high regard?  Maybe not critically acclaimed though.  In fact, I can honestly say that if a movie wins awards it is almost guaranteed to be one I will skip watching.  According to some research I have done, Bring It On falls in the guilty pleasure category and I loved that movie.  And I’m sorry, but why is Hocus Pocus on that list?  That is an amazing movie.  Lastly, apparently I have to include The Mummy series on my guilty pleasure list.  Everyone doesn’t love The Mummy?  What?

After hearing everyone’s guesses the DJ’s decided to move the discussion into other guilty pleasures.  And it got me thinking…

My guilty pleasures are a vast list apparently.  Apparently guilty pleasures are things that you enjoy doing, but not really what you should be doing.  I like to think that “should” has a loose definition.  I mean, after all, who decides what we should be doing?  Society?  My family?  God?  I’m pretty sure that God is a little too busy to worry about whether I slept in on a Saturday or not so I guess society it is.  

Anyway, here’s the list - in no particular order…
  1. Sleeping in/naps - I so rarely get to sleep past 5:30 and typically try to be up and working out by 4:15, that my idea of sleeping in is probably different than most.  But I cannot wait for summer days and the prospect of laying around in bed until 8:00.  I will be awake, but lying there and not having to get going sounds fabulous. And naps, I’m not talking about 15 minute dozing. I’m talking about blanket, pillow, half hour - hour long naps.  LOVE!
  2. Pizza and candy and ice cream - I struggle and fight and battle to get my kids to eat healthier.  Especially the sugar.  They want sugar for everything.  Sugar cereal for breakfast (who adds sugar to Raisin Bran or Frosted Flakes for Pete’s sake) and sugary snacks and sugary treats.  I fight like heck to limit or remove those from the house.  No pop in the fridge, just water or milk, etc…  But it is all of our downfall and we do enjoy it so much.  I think this is a battle we will be fighting until the end of time.  
My all time favorite food is pizza.  So many wonderful ways to eat pizza.  People say you would get sick of a food if you had to eat it every day.  Not so, not me, not pizza.  For one thing, there are a lot of different ways to enjoy pizza.  No need to settle for just one. So yes, even though I know it is loaded with carbs and calories - I never say no to pizza.
  1. Fantasizing - I love to imagine what I would do if I won the lottery.  Or imagine if I bought this barn, what would I do to fix it up.  Or that restaurant, what would I do if it were mine.  I’m a dreamer that way.  Sometimes I will drive by a place and completely redesign it in my mind by the time I get to where I’m supposed to be going.
  2. Crap novels and teen fiction.  I love them all.  There is nothing classical or award winning about most of the books that I enjoy reading.  I enjoy aliens and fantasy and witches, wizards, fairies, you name it.  I enjoy teen romance and ridiculously simple plots.  I enjoyed House of Night.  I enjoyed Fifty Shades of Gray, I enjoyed Twilight, I enjoy most historical romance (smut).  And I am not sorry.  I could not be reading at all.  Better to read a ton of crap than nothing at all.  That’s my theory.  And yes - I am a reading teacher.  
  3. Yahtzee with Friends - lots of people have their favorite online game.  Mine just happens to be Yahtzee.
  4. Pinterest - I love to surf through Pinterest.  So many wonderful things to learn about and see.  I look up everything from recipes to crafts to quotes to jokes.  Always something to look at on Pinterest.  
  5. Criminal Minds - I am absolutely head over heels for this show.  I don’t know who it was that recommended it to me, but I owe them a hug and a kiss.  The only downside is that Tim is not a fan.  So I do feel a little guilty when I obsessively watch it every night.  But only a very little bit.  
  6. Cookie dough - So everyone is super excited about the new “edible” cookie dough trucks.  Here’s a big secret - I already knew how to make edible cookie dough.  It’s called the same dough I’ve always made and I guess I just live on the “edge” of danger.  I have tried some eggless recipes.  They are pretty darn good too.  And we tried different mix ins.  And we …  yeah, let’s refer to the sugar addiction mentioned in #2.  Must set a better example!
  7. Wine - I enjoy a nice glass of wine.  Not every night.  Not every week.  But from time to time it is a nice treat. I don’t spend much on my wine and I don’t over indulge, but there is something incredibly grown up and relaxing about good (cheap) wine and a good book (or movie).  
  8. Home alone - I know and you know that my family is my life.  But one of my biggest guilty pleasures is having the house to myself.  I don’t like it if it is for too long, or too late at night (things go bump in the night - I need people to protect me), but I do love an hour or two here or there to just have peace, quiet and the house to myself.  

Okay - those are my top ten.  If you’re feeling brave - share yours!  Or at least agree with one of mine.  I can’t be the only one.

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