Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It's Grandparent time too.

Last Thursday I said goodbye to my littlest, knowing I was dropping her off to be gone for nearly 2 weeks.    Wow.  That sucks and the second time this year I've had to do that.  Sigh.  But you know what the really great thing is?  The reason I had to say goodbye is because she is spending extended vacations with her grandparents.  This past January she got to spend two weeks with my parents in Mexico.  This week she is headed "up North" with her dad's side.  What greater reason to spend the next 12 days missing her like crazy?

I love that my baby girl (and oldest if she didn't have previous commitments) gets to spend time with her grandparents.  I appreciate every minute that that the girls' grandparents and aunts and uncles spend with them.  Extended family and their support has been a life saver in all of our lives.  It thrills me to no end that both Shannon and I allow these experiences for the girls.  They are only young once and they deserve to have all of the chances given to them to enjoy all of their family.  It isn't always easy to get each other to see that.  But as they say, if something is worth fighting for...

It does make me angry and frustrates me to no end that some parents don't get it.  They get into this fight of "my time" and "your time" and trading weekends and days.  I will never get that.  When will people see that it isn't your time, it's their time.  And they should get to spend time with their extended family.  They should get to spend time with their friends.  They should get to go to camps and sleepovers and games without being given a guilt trip or being told that it isn't fair because it is "my time".

I'm super blessed that my girls have such active and involved grandparents and such a large pool of aunts, uncles and cousins who love them as much as I do.  I will always do my best to make sure nothing stands in the way of that!

And... only 7 more days until Soph comes home!

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