Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year’s Resolutions

So... enjoy a safe place to share all your resolutions here.  I’ll share mine first.  I resolve to...
Haha- who am I kidding?  For the millionth year in a row, I do not have any resolutions.  I mean, I've made resolutions in the past.  Half hearted, I should do this kinds of resolutions.  Usually with the basic premise of "be a better person".  But I'm not doing that this year.  You know why?  Because I've decided this year I'm going to be happy with me the way I am me.

Oh that doesn't mean I'm not going to KEEP working on myself.  I don't need to set a goal for being a better person because that is something I have been working on for a while and I'm going to keep working on. 

I'm going to keep working on eating better, eating less sugar and drinking more water.  I had kind of let that slide over the holidays.   I guess you could say I really let that slide.  I love holiday treats.  Like fudge, and candy, cookies, puddings, I'm a little like the Grinch at the Whoville cookoff.  Bring it all on.  Now I pay for it after the holidays with sugar withdrawals.  Hopefully there are less goodies in the house soon.   That's the worst - goodies all over the house that are so quick and easy to grab.

I'm going to continue to work on being a more positive person and judging others less.  (Unless it is about this polar vortex weather.  NO one except Tim can have a positive attitude about this weather.  It is against all that is right and good.)

I bought myself a coloring bible and Libby bought me a devotional journal.  One of my goals has always been to read the bible cover to cover and I'm hoping this bible inspires me to stick with it and keep working on that goal while getting to color some stand out verses at the same time.  I'm going to keep working on building my faith and I have the best faith partner to do that with in Tim.  He motivates me to be the best person I can be and to keep Christ at the forefront of my life.    

I'm going to continue working with our young horses and pushing them to be the best they can be while I learn from each of them along the way.  I can't wait for the weather to get warm enough to get back into the swing of things with them. 

I'm going to do my best to make sure my loved ones are happy and know that they are appreciated and loved every single day.  It's going to be a challenging year with many changes for us, but I know that with our love being strong and the way we all help each other, we can get through anything together. 

So while I don't have any new year's resolutions, I do have continued goals for each day moving forward.  Here's to 2018!

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