Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Things that make you happy.

Today's question of the day on KROC was "Things that make you happy".  They got a lot of the legit things that make you happy but then they shook it up to ask, what are some weird and random things that make you happy.  So I'm going through my list in my head on the drive and thinking, blog!

When you start thinking to yourself about what makes you happy, the first thing that crosses your mind are the big things.  Like, my girls of course - they make me happy.  We laugh together a lot and I can't imagine life without them.  And my amazing boyfriend makes me happy and makes me laugh a lot.  We can find humor in almost anything. Seeing my nephew makes me happy and thankful.  Who knew something as little as watching someone's hair regrow could make you so deliriously happy?  I'm happy with the positive changes I've made in my life,  I'm happy with my job (most of the time - we all have "those" days). And I'm happy with my family being healthy, my friends being there for me, my car not dying on me and my house being a safe refuge for all of us.

But then I tried to think of weird little things that bring me joy.  It isn't easy!  You know I love my pinterest and ecards for those little funny pick me ups.  Blogging makes me happy.  Running sometimes makes me happy.  But what little things??? Hmmm....

Organizing things makes me happy.  Nothing says a happy Melissa like cupboards and closets all neatly in a row.

Hoodies and jeans make me happy.  My favorite day of the work week is Friday simply because of casual Friday.

Cadbury eggs make me happy.  It's a darn good thing they are only available once (sometimes twice if you count "scream eggs") a year.  Or I'd be doing a lot of the running thing.

Random texts or comments from people I haven't heard from in a while makes me happy.

Seeing posts about my friends finding happiness or being happy makes me happy.

New shoes make me happy.  As long as they are sneakers.  NO DRESS SHOES - dressy shoes make me sad.  And mad.

The smell of horses makes me happy.

The smell of fresh cut/baled hay makes me happy.

The sound of horses chewing makes me happy.

Getting into the middle of a great book makes me happy.  Finishing the book brings a feeling of disappointment though.  It's bittersweet.

Chinese food makes me happy.

When people remember something I've told them or something that I like, it makes me happy.

When customers leave a note or tell my boss that they had great service, it makes me happy.

Hugs.  Hugs make me happy.  I love hugs.  Best part about teaching elementary - free hugs every day.
Electric blankets in the winter make me happy.

Colored pens and mechanical pencils make me happy.

Dt. Mt. Dew and Milk Duds make me happy.  I'm trying really hard not to have either!

Riding a smooth, steady western pleasure jog makes me happy.

Beating a level on that stupid game Frozen makes me happy.

Watching Pixie the puppy go nuts after her bath or crazy for a treat makes me happy.

Hot chocolate makes me happy.

Okay, I'm going to have to stop.  When you really get going, the list starts to become endless.  May your lists be endless and your happiness plentiful!

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