Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday Fun Day

Okay - we need a Friday Fun Day post to make us all smile.  Well, maybe not all of you.  But my horse friends should get a giant kick out of a collection of my favorite horse jokes these days.  These all made me smile and some of them were downright true!

Like this one.  Every flipping time.
And this one kind of goes along with the first one..

Sorry the print is kind of small on this one.  But it is worth enlarging using whatever means necessary as it is hilarious and so so true.  Our Giggles, when we had her, this fit her to a T.  And the gelding.  Wow - if you could read Rye's mind...

Every new horse owner needs to learn this lesson.  Because it is true.  And you will all end up with more than one.   They are like the potato chips.   

I can't relate to this one, but Libby can.  She and her friends are always posting pics like this and I just picture our three knothead ponies in the pasture pulling the same stunts.  Derping for the camera, except for Cutie the Diva, who has to try to look gorgeous.

I almost didn't post this one, because I don't want to offend any non horse people.  Because I literally have had people call me concerned that my horses were laying down.  But at least they didn't comment and try to act like they knew something.  When they very obviously don't.  Read the comments.  And remember, horses do indeed NEED to lay down to sleep.

Okay, besides the fact that this pic is just kind of funny.  The text....gasp....I'm laughing so hard.... Libby, is this you???

In direct contrast to this one...

So this one literally made me laugh out loud.  I never was the "dress up to impress a boy" type to begin with.  And that skirt is entirely too short, but the bottom picture.  Now that's funny.

We all have had THAT trainer.  And the sucky part is - they were right.  Our legs felt that lesson..

I sent this one to Libby and she laughed.  A lot.  We don't braid, but we band.  And for some reason, my daughter that can ride anything, struggles with banding.  She just needs practice.  And a mother who isn't a perfectionist and takes over for her.  

Okay, I have to share this one for two reason.  One "OMG spotted babies they are soooooo kyoottt!!!" And that is the truest statement ever.  Give me money.  I will prove it. 

I don't jump (other than a stray log here or there or the occasional stream - not by choice), but even I can see the humor in this one.  

Enough said.  If you're an equestrian and you've taken a lesson, you can relate.

I included this one for two reasons.  One - because it is so true.  Two - I wanted all my non-horse friends to grasp the fact we horse people do in fact have to clean our gelding's penis from time to time.  Yeah.  And you thought you had a difficult hobby.

Raise your hand if you can relate?  Except mine should say, and then my kids started showing horses.  Well, and the whole part about a social life would have been a lie.

It's okay, I understand.  It's about education.  I'm sure I say lots of dumb stuff about your hobbies too.  I once asked someone "who caught the deer" about a deer head in their home.  All the big bad hunters got a chuckle out of that one.  "You don't catch a deer, you shoot it."  My response, "Well, if you were a real man you would catch it and slit it's throat while it flailed and kicked and tried to get you off its back."  I'm not sure I won that argument.

Want to test this theory?  Stop by to just say hi to your horse on the way somewhere in "good" clothes.  

Every single time we are in the wash rack.  My advice - invest in a hose boom for home.  It is amazing.  And takes away their power over you...

Okay, I can include this one because I was that idiot once.  Only I bought a yearling.  And had to be slapped upside the head by someone.  And I actually knew something about horses (had them as a kid) and I still wasn't ready for a young horse.  Why do people have to learn the hard way?


Why does this one make me laugh so hard? I can almost hear him saying it. 

All people who have ever sold a horse can relate to this one.  I'm so responding to the next inquiry this way.  

And last but not least.  I have to leave you with a happy thought.  A smiley thought.  A warm fuzzy.

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