Wednesday, April 26, 2017

It's all coming back

So the other day a friends of mine was going through some old photos and happened to find a few of me “back in the day”.  At first I was horrified, then I laughed and then I realized that what was once hip, may indeed be coming back to cool again.  So many things from the past are making a comeback, why not fashion trends from the 80’s?

For example, I grew up on the Care Bears and My Little Pony.  I can still sing you the song from the commercial advertising my most coveted toy that I dreamed and dreamed of having.  

My girls also got to grow up with Care Bears and My Little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake too, now that I think of it.

There are some fashion trends I have seen making a comeback as well.  I had these exact shoes in the 80s/90s.  Guess what I bought just a couple of weeks ago.  Yet another pair.  I’m so thankful these are coming back in style.  You can get them in every color and they are cheap.  So glad that this is a trend coming back.  

One trend I thought I would never see make a comeback was stirrup pants, but really, what are leggings?  Slightly different, yes, but there are some very real similarities.  And, ummm, my kids laughed and laughed at the idea of me wearing my socks on the OUTSIDE of my pants.  But what do we see going on here?  I believe those are socks.  On the OUTSIDE of pants.  Boom.  

Really all you hip new dressers are just reinventing the wheel that rolled around 20 - 30 years ago.  We already wore that look and destroyed it.  Guess we get to do it all again.  But don’t you go laughing at our senior portraits any more because they resemble your own!

I also heard through the grapevine that Clearly Canadian is coming back. This makes me incredibly happy, I am not going to lie! Maybe it wasn't my favorite drink ever, but it ranks right up there. But what I really want to know is, so when is Crystal Pepsi making a reappearance?

So while we are on the subject of things from the past that are making a comeback, why don’t we discuss some blasts from the past that we haven’t seen on the shelves and runways yet, but darn well better be in the running.  

Atari! None of those fancy graphics. Just little squares all made into the shape of characters. I mean, you had to use your imagination with this bad boy. No 3D graphics spoiling all the fun.

They just don't make books like these any more. And there were lots of them to choose from. I don't think I missed too many of them. I mean, there are good books now, but nothing tops these two girls and their drama filled lives.

Cat's cradle.  Why don't kids love this game anymore?  A game that required one simple item - a piece of string.  I remember doing this for hours, I'm not exaggerating either.  I remember one friend and I counting how many times we could keep it going.  Looking at this picture I still remember exactly where to grab and how to wrap it around to the next "step".

They need to remake this show.  100% without a doubt.  They remade that stupid show "Full House", why the heck not the Facts of Life?  I grew up on this show, and depending on the day I could picture myself as any one of the characters.  Except Blair.  Who really saw themselves as Blair? And WHEN they remake it, they cannot change the theme song.  One of the best theme songs ever. 

And while we are talking about remakes....

They got so close with remaking jelly bracelets when those bracelets in the shape of everything under the sun were so popular a few years ago.  What were those called again?  Oh yes - Silly Bandz.  Those were close.  Same principal and I'm not gonna lie, maybe even a step up with all of their fun shapes.

Canvas sneakers made a comeback, are jelly shoes next?  The shoe that was washable and dirt never stuck.  Of course your foot did.  And sweat.  But they were shiny!  And came in so many pretty colors.  Yep, jelly shoes need to make a comeback.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a chapstick/lip gloss/lip balm addict.  I've tried them all.  I've had them all.  I love them all.  But these adorable little tins will always, always, ALWAYS be my favorite.  Bring back the tins of Lip Lickers!!!

Did the Macarena go out of style?  Is it still done at weddings? No.  What is this world coming to?

Kids these days will never know the joy of getting one of these babies.  And I will always have my binders full of notes.  Kids these days, their snaps, chats, tweets and texts will be gone forever from cyberspace. But I will forever know what we thought of lunch, our chemistry class and all the many many boys we daydreamed about all day long just by rereading my binder full of notes.

Apparently you can now play the old version of Oregon Trail online.  I just don't know if it will still have quite the same appeal as the original.  There is something about getting to slide that floppy disk in the disk drive and putting the names of your 4 closest friends into your "family", only to kill them off with dysentery, cholera and maybe a tipped wagon in the river.

I need to teach my students how to make these.  And play MASH.  Wait - maybe I don't remember.  Bet I can find the directions on Pinterest.  I'm sure it's like riding a bike.
There are any number of new reward incentives that teachers can give their students. But none even hold a candle to these delightful little smelly buggers.  I mean, pickle scented stickers?  Who doesn't love pickle scented stickers! 

Okay, so oversized tshirts are back in.  And tying up your tshirt is back in.  Why aren't these super cool, little plastic bundles of colored joy back in?  

And lastly, I leave you with a catchy tune that you for sure won't be getting out of your head any time soon.

PS - Tim Andring.  If you dare comment that you don't remember any of these things because you are SOOOO much younger than me, your life is forfeit.  You have been warned. 

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