Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Memes I want to make...

First all of:  Definition of a meme since it is new terminology.  One of those "created by the internet" words.
  • a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc. that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

And because everything is better with an example:

Now, I've tried several different meme makers, and none of them seem to make it to the completed stage.  Obviously I am meme challenged.  But if I could make a meme, I have a couple ideas.  

#1.  "If you feel the need to judge me, at least be right." 
I'm the first to admit I've made mistakes, and I'm not perfect.  But one thing I've learned, do not judge someone unless you are close to them.  Unless you know the situation they are in AND if you go through all that and still feel like you can make a judgment, make sure you're right.  Nothing more humorous though than someone who is dead wrong spouting off in self righteousness.

#2.  "Take your negative bitter judgmental self over there, to the bottom of that cliff, the long way." 
One thing I'm learning, slowly and have to have it told to me over and over again, is that you need to remove negative people from your life if you want to make your life more positive.  There are just some people who refuse to see the light at the end of the tunnel, refuse to see the silver lining, refuse to see that how they live their life is their choice, they are not a product of their environment.  It's hard enough for a person to do when surrounded by positive people, but when you have someone who is either holding you back, or worse, trying to bring you down to their level, it is impossible.  Cut the ties with whomever it is.  I'm hear to tell you that you will survive and you might even find your life better for it.  And when they make fun of you for your positive attitude it will only serve to amuse you because you will recognize that you are indeed, the happier person.

#3.  "The next time someone says 'it must be nice to be skinny', I'm going to hit them in the face... with a treadmill."
First of all, let me begin by saying skinny does not equal fit and healthy and those should always be someone's primary goal.  So many people start a diet or exercise program to get "skinny" and that is not the goal.  Second of all, I am neither skinny nor fit, but when I was more fit, it was hard hard work.  Hard work and it is offensive to have someone say "it must be nice".  It is nice.  It is nice to know that all your hard work has paid off and you're a healthier person because of it.  Stop trying to find a magic pill, get up and get to work.  Put down the Coldstone cake (this means you Melissa) and choose fruits and vegetables instead.  And even if you don't get "skinny" (man -I've grown to hate that word), you will be healthier.  Just like being negative or positive, being fit or unfit is a personal choice.  

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