Monday, October 10, 2016

I Give Up.

I’ll never be more glad to see an election over with than I will be when the polls close on November 8, 2016.  It has been one of the most disheartening and heartsick elections that I have ever witnessed.  And not because my favorite candidate may or may not win.  Because of all the hatred and divisiveness that has come out the election and the outright lies that keep being spread on social media.  

I’m beyond trying to talk sense into Trump supporters.  They refuse to listen to reason and only want to believe the hatred that he spews and the lies that he tells.  And one of his favorite lies is that Hilary lies.  Oh the hypocrisy.  These same people do not research or fact check, but spread what Trump’s page puts out as the truth.  Even when I am able to provide factual evidence that proves it isn’t true, the response is “Yeah, but Hilary lies” or “Bengahzi”.  I’ve come to realize it is like talking to a brick wall.  To save friendships I’ve had to unfollow people until after the election.  Their opinion is their opinion, no matter how flawed or blind I feel it may be.  

But there is a recent issue that sticks in my throat and I have to speak out on.  And some of you Trump supporters should be ashamed.  Ashamed!  This is in reference to the recent recording that was leaked of Trump talking about women and saying he would cheat on his wife with a married woman.  

His defenders claim it’s just “locker room talk”.  This is sick.  If my husband, boyfriend, fiance, son, or close friend talked about his wife and other women in this way, they would be certain I wouldn’t be writing it off as “locker room talk”.  Cheating is cheating and is not a joke.  It is not okay.  And it isn’t something that should be condoned or thought of as funny.  And before you Trump supporters go, “But Bill Clinton cheated and he was actually president!”  EXACTLY.  And it was wrong and sick and HE IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT.  When are people going to get that?  Bill was wrong and Hillary was wronged.  I couldn’t agree more.  Moral corruption is not something to excuse as locker room talk.  It is something to be horrified by and to find reprehensible.  

As far as this meme goes:

Have you read 50 Shades of Gray?  I have.  And nowhere in there is cheating condoned.  And I certainly don’t hold the fictional (yes - do you all understand this is fiction) main character as a paradigm of civic virtue.  And I absolutely would not elect the fictional character (I can’t believe I’m having to clarify this) as president of the United States.  Wow, how is that even remotely tied to the potential president of the United States saying he is going to grab a woman by the pussy and he is going to kiss her because he can get away with since he’s rich?  I’m not offended by his language.  I’m offended by his disrespect for women and his obvious lack of morals.  That’s upsetting to me and should be upsetting to the American public.

Still don’t get it?  Let’s try this.  Imagine that your daughter is married to this guy.  And this guy’s idea of “locker room talk” is to talk about how if he gets the chance he’s going to screw this hot chick he sees.  Thus tearing your daughter’s heart out and ripping apart their family.  But it’s okay, because he’s rich.  And it’s just “locker room talk”.  Keep in mind he also loves to kiss every woman he can because they let him since he’s rich.  Still like him and think it’s funny?  How about imagining that he sees your attractive daughter and smacks his buddy on the back and talks about how he’s going to grab her by the pussy.  Funny huh?  

This is the man you want leading our country?  Oh but it’s okay because he’s angry and against virtually every minority group in the U.S. so that will “fix our country”.  And he’s a political outsider so that is even better because that worked out so well for Minnesota during the Ventura years.  Sigh.  I give up.  

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