Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The scariest day of the year...

So it's looming ever closer.  That most hated day of the year.  Everywhere you go you're reminded of it and there is truly no escaping it.

Nope, not tax day.
Nope, not the yearly dental visit.

The day they try to hide the horror of behind cute bears, boxes of chocolates (how can chocolate ever be scary - I know), piles of flowers and sappy sentiments.  Yeah.  You're catching on now aren't you?  Valentine's Day.  Aka the hardest shopping day of the year.

I haven't had a whole lot of special/happy Valentine's Days in my lifetime so I made a request of the boyfriend, let's just agree not to do anything for Valentine's Day, okay?  I just don't need that kind of stress in my life right now.

What am I stressing about you ask?  Oh let's see, first of all the ghosts of Valentine's past with expectations and disappointments, despair and desperation comes to mind.  Then you have the age old question, do you go incredibly sappy and sweet only to have it be awkward and uncomfortable or go with the old cliche box of chocolates/stuffed bear?  And really, let's be honest - what man wants chocolates or a bear?  So then what do you get them?  Can't fall back on the '90's mixed tape and card routine.  Nothing like a good action movie to say "I love you".   Come on guys - what do you want for Valentine's?

And girls aren't any easier.   Oh we claim we are.  Jewelry.  Jewelry is safe right.  I mean any woman will admit that they can be having a blah day, putting on their make up, doing their hair, and eh... Add a special pair of earrings and a necklace and cue Maria singing "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story.  But let's be honest.  We're picky about our jewelry.  I mean, yes, I wear the silver fish with colorful crystals on it that Sophie gave me.  But it doesn't exactly make me feel like red carpet material.  Personally I'm not a gold fan.  Much prefer silver.  And I don't like big and clunky, I like dainty, small, but sparkly.  Love a little bling.  My sister likes flowery.  And other women could use their necklaces to take out invading bandits.  It's a crapshoot.

So chocolate is safe you say?  But we're picky about that too.  I mean really, why do they put some of those flavors in a box of chocolates?  Does any really like the nasty fruit cream ones?  Or the slimy chocolate center?  After the caramels are all gone, what's left?

So no chocolate - roses/flowers have got to be safe.  Except, while I think they are pretty, I'm kind of picky about flowers too.  And I don't think I'm the only one.  Ask any woman her favorite flower and I guarantee you'll hear everything from sunflower to rose, carnation to chrysanthemum, with daisies, orchids, violets and forget me nots thrown in there.  And then there is the practical side - they will die and they cost so much!  Now a fresh picked bouquet from a meadow, garden or special spot, is an incredibly romantic idea for Valentine's Day.  But in Minnesota, the only thing fresh picked would be an icicle bouquet.

No jewelry, chocolate or flowers?  Now what?  I'm guessing most adults would pass on the stuffed animal so that eliminates that idea.  So we are back to square one and my suggestion to just agree not to cave into public pressure and Hallmark on this made up holiday sounds better and better.

Now before you all start feeling sorry for Ryan and think, "God she is impossible to buy for!",  let's make a pact instead.  Let's agree to make every day about saying "I love you" and  "You are special to me".  Let's not wait for that one day a year to try to make up for being ambivalent and lackadaisical towards our loved ones.  Let's agree to surprise them with random cards, notes and heartfelt messages, whether it be via text or a simple call to say, "I was thinking of you when this song came on."  Do we really need a special holiday to remind us how much our loved ones make us feel special and happy?  Do we need a special day for us to remind them?  Let's make every day Valentine's Day and making sure that in 2014, our loved ones know how me we love them all year long.  That's right.  Get off your butt, grab that phone and text someone that you love them.  Guarantee they will be smiling when they get it.  (Unless you're a stalker and then back away from the cell phone and get help.)

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