Wednesday, March 7, 2018

It's been what?

Sappy "I love my husband" post warning!  If you don't want to hear me go on and on about how great Tim is, you'll want to skip this blog.  Like Sophie says, "you guys are disgusting!"  I'm about to get disgusting.

Two years ago today, Tim and I went on our first date.  If you read the blog a year ago, you know that we met for dinner at Red Lobster and that I was freaking out about that.  Dating when I was younger was nerve wracking enough.  Dating at almost 40 was worse, much worse.  Add that to the whole "meeting someone you met online" and your brain definitely goes into overtime.   I realized about 5 minutes into the date that I didn't have an exit strategy planned.  We had agreed to meet for dinner and a movie.  What if this stranger was creepy?  Boring?  Obnoxious?  Cocky?  Rude?  Panic!  I didn't even have a bestie ready to call me and fake an emergency.  I started coming up with excuses for why I needed to go home early.  (I had some really good ones - most involved Libby or Sophie setting fire to something, including themselves, or getting sick.)  Thankfully, it wasn't but 10 minutes into the date that I realized we had a lot to talk about and I didn't need an exit strategy.  Tim did everything correctly, he was kind, funny and tipped the waitress accordingly (which is a big deal when you are a server yourself).  He even did the whole, put your hand on the small of her back and guide her out of the room, thing.  *swoon*

The long and short of it is that the first date was wonderful and led to a second, third and many more dates after.  The whole story can be found in this blog: One Year Anniversary

Here I sit, a year later and reflecting about the past two years of our lives.  We have already been through so much.  There is so much drama when dealing with ex spouses.  I'd love to say we have the easy going, go with the flow kind of ex's, but then again - Tim and I wouldn't have as much in common if we didn't both have ex's with a grudge.   There has been the struggle of blending two families, complete with teenage girl drama and the parenting struggle that can be.  There have been tough losses of family members and friends, learning to deal with two sets of differing ideas about how to handle things, extended family issues, holidays, changing traditions, house hunting and so much more.

We also planned an entire wedding together and managed to pull it off without arguing!  Because I had Tim, the whole process was fun and I never got nervous.  There was very little worry and I knew that no matter what happened, the important part was, that at the end of the day, we would be husband and wife.  We couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding week.  We are so blessed with amazing friends and family to share it with.  As always, my only regret about our wedding is that I wish I had met him sooner so we could be married longer.

No matter what life has thrown at us so far, we have been there for each other and my love for Tim has only grown deeper and stronger.  I'm so thankful to have him in our lives.   As  I've said a thousand times, he truly is like a unicorn.  He is that mythical perfect man for me and I can't believe how lucky I am to have found him.  I have someone who supports me, is proud of me, appreciates me and loves me for who I am (besides my dad).  Even on the days when I know I drive him a little bit crazy, he still loves me.  (He tries to claim I am never annoying or make him angry.  He's so cute when he is full of it.)  When I say I feel like I have been with him forever, it is because my heart has always known him.  And lucky me, I get to call him husband.

Happy 2 year together anniversary!

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